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Old 07-05-2013, 08:12 AM   #6
TheSecretFire's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Texas
Posts: 7

Okay, this is a reply to CrazyInMagic:

I’ll address each point in the order they were originally brought up. And Justin, if I’m off point with any of this, or if you disagree with anything, please let me know.

“Falsely caring about the art” – If he didn’t care about it, why has he been into magic for nearly 30 years? There are hundreds (probably more) of other occupations/hobbies that are more easily profitable than being a magician, yet here he is, almost 40 years old, still creating and performing magic. Have you ever purchased any of his work? I don’t think it matters which product you get, if you listen to how he speaks about magic, it becomes apparent that he cares immensely about the art.

“Desperate for money”? - Yeah, maybe, but does it really matter? He could be very well off, or he could be trying to decide which part of his electric usage he can live without, or he could be somewhere in between, but his financial situation is nobody’s business but his own. Regardless of what field someone gets themselves into, it is their responsibility to find a way to provide for themselves and their family, and if their current approach isn’t working, then they need to make a change somewhere in their career. Working magicians are not much different, magic becomes the source of income and that income is what puts food on the table, pays bills, mortgage, gas, food, etc.

Regarding your point about JM torrenting material while trying to condemn others who do, I’m with you there. Sorry Justin, I’m not going to stand with you on that one, since you kinda shot yourself in the foot when you admitted to using torrents.

I think it’s pretty obvious that Mr. Miller really doesn’t like the magic industry, and would prefer to sell his work solely through his personal website, but if he is looking at his life and the lives of his kids and realizes that a change needs to be made in order to continue to live a decent life, then he is perfectly justified in contradicting himself and making that change in deciding to sell his work though Ellusionist. If he is willing to sacrifice some of the value of his work so he can provide for his kids, then I have nothing but respect for that.

“Fictional Facts” – That argument was a bit weak, so I’ll keep it short. When his work is pirated, he is not really losing any money, but he is not gaining the money that should be going into his pocket. If $70,000 worth of product was downloaded, then that’s $70,000 worth of work that should be paid for.
If he has 3000 people on his mailing list and 5000 people on FB, there probably is some overlap, so it’s probably closer to 6000 – 7000, but either way, he was probably just trying to make the point that his work does sell well.

“Filthy-mouthed” – Well, I’ve never purchased any of his work from any of the “industry” companies (this is because I would prefer to have my money support the artist instead of the industry), so I can’t comment on his behaviour in any of those products. However, I do have a fair amount of the work he released on his site. While yes, he does use “foul language”, I believe that much of it is justified. Personally, I think there is a difference between “foul” and “strong” language: “strong” language can be acceptable when the speaker really wants to show (verbally) how frustrated they are. For instance, take the first 10 minutes of Legend, he does drop a couple b*******’s, a h***, and a f***, but he is using them to describe his frustration with this producer who doesn’t seem to care about the Legend effect that he (JM) worked so hard to create. “Foul” language is when these words are thrown around carelessly, without regard to their meaning or value. For example: ‘That f****** b**** can’t f****** teach worth s***…….’ <<< This comes off as being very trashy and unprofessional, which is not characteristic of Justin.

As for a parent buying magic for their kid (I’m assuming you mean the age range of 7 – 15ish), they should read the reviews on JM’s site – most of them are unedited, so it should be pretty apparent that most of his products are not aimed at the youngsters who are just getting into magic. There is absolutely no reason to suspect any foul language in any of his products and nowhere does it warn you for this.” …. Well, actually there is: the BOLD Project (which is hard to miss on the product page) says in the title: ‘18+ to purchase’. And since he allows uncensored reviews on his products, it is safe to assume that the products will also be uncensored, and perhaps of ‘adult’ nature. Regarding his ‘target’ audience/customers, he’s not pulling rabbits out of hats or sponge balls out of his ears, or any other such, you might say, superficial/shallow tricks. Take a look at “Last Word”, this is one powerful effect, mostly because it deals with the subject of death. I have performed this effect ONCE, and it hit HARD. I doubt that a kid whose parents are still buying them magic would have developed the mental and emotional maturity to present this as it was intended, and even if they (the kid) did manage to pull it off, would they be able to deal with whatever reaction they might get?

In conclusion, I don’t believe Justin Miller has done anything worthy of being posted in the “Magic Alert” section. This section “is where inappropriate actions of magicians and magic services are exposed to the public so you know what to look out for”, take a look at the rest of the threads, they are all about someone who has engaged in false advertising, fake contests, copyright infringement, plagiarism, magic revealing, etc. But out of all your points, the only thing (in my eyes) that JM has done wrong was to torrent material, which is hardly something to warrant posting in this thread.

This part is directed at all the ‘haters’ who refer to Mr. Miller as “THE CONTRADICTOR”, so if you’re not one of those, you can stop reading. Really? Really? If you (haters) think you are so high up there that you can disrespect and slander a professional magician who has advanced the art and proven himself time and again as being a huge influence in the field, why do you not have the balls to say it to his face?
-Was it the Queen of Hearts?
-Wow! How'd you know that?
-Check your pocket.
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behaviour, enduremiller, exposure, justin miller

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