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Old 12-05-2010, 05:00 PM   #1
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I wanted to buy and review one of your products. But apparently none of them are available. What is that all about. I could see one or two not being available but none of them are available. Could you sell me Flash so I can review it? Your YouTube video looks like camera editing so I'm very interested in seeing the product.
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Old 12-05-2010, 06:03 PM   #2
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There are many reasons why the physical products were released in limited amounts and aren't available anymore. Just some of them:
  • They sold out;
  • The original idea to have professional tutorials produced was to spread them within our own crew (our artists and pupils) rather than to actually sell them;
  • It's a huge part of our marketing strategy. It makes everything much more valuable too;
  • It brings magic back to when it was still a secret. We care much more about the art than about money. If needed, we can always make more money by performing. The products were priced above average too so that helped a hand;
  • It weren't mass productions. Having anymore produced would've been a lot more expensive;
  • 'The Flash' and most of the other gimmicks are extremely time consuming to make as they are handcrafted;
  • I see many of those tricks as my trademarks. I released those just to have the secrets live on rather than to take them with me in my grave;
  • Some of then were released for all the wrong reasons because it was to prove people that it weren't fakes. Ever since, we have been a lot more careful when releasing new products. We won't ever release them for my personal reasons anymore;
  • We have been looking for some partner sellers but so far without success as the ones that are capable want to sell as many as possible instead of that they care about where the magic might end up. (Richard, please correct me if I'm wrong.)

No worries, we will soon be releasing downloadable products. Those will sell in 'unlimited' amounts and most of them will cost under $10. They are not really unlimited but at least we will sell more than we did with the physical products. We will put a temporary stop on them whenever we sell too many.
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Old 12-06-2010, 10:32 AM   #3
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Your videos are edited. The effects like Flash are not possible. You have no proof of the effect ever being sold or even existing. This coming from a group of guys that think I'm dishonest. Ha ha!

The problem you run into is the fact that the truth can ALWAYS be proven. Lies can not.

When asked if tricks like Flash are real you have never shown any proof. You either avoid the question or make excuses. This tells me you are lying.

If you actually had an effect like Flash you could easily sell the use of it to an exclusive artist like David Blaine or Lance Burton. That way you would retain the rights. They would get to perform it exclusively. You would get credit, you would get paid, No secrets would be lost. No but you make up excuses like the ones above.

Here is what I think.
I think you are trying to hype yourself up as some miracle worker. You claim these tricks are real but for some reason they are only released in limited quantities at short intervals so conveniently when someone tries to order one they get a response of "Oh you just missed it " or "We just ran out". Now I think eventually you will release some products but they will be more common effects and not the miracles people associate with your name. But they will buy the effects because your name is on them. This is extremely dishonest. On the verge of being illegal. A far cry from someone who just filters their comments.

, Jonathan Kamm
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Old 12-06-2010, 11:29 AM   #4
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No proof? Hahaha, what about people who actually own it? What about the lots people who have seen it performed live? What about their bills and the money we made with it? There are even lots of people who slowed down the video frame by frame to see where the objects go. Many of them have succeeded to figure it out.

That you don't or can't figure it out is a true miracle so I bet I'm indeed a miracle worker then. Thank you for the biggest compliment in my life! This made my day.

To make my day even better I'd truly love to know if you think I used dups in this video or not:
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Old 12-06-2010, 01:57 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
No proof? Hahaha, what about people who actually own it? What about the lots people who have seen it performed live? What about their bills and the money we made with it? There are even lots of people who slowed down the video frame by frame to see where the objects go. Many of them have succeeded to figure it out.

That you don't or can't figure it out is a true miracle so I bet I'm indeed a miracle worker then. Thank you for the biggest compliment in my life! This made my day.

To make my day even better I'd truly love to know if you think I used dups in this video or not:
Ha ha! What people who actually own it? What people who have seen it performed live? I still say its video editing. You expose your use of video editing in your Morpheous exposed video and one of your music videos shows your expertise with video editing where you play the piano and the organ. You are a very good musician by the way. And the fact that you don't do those effects live really gives it away.

I have a group of guys in India who all love me and watch my videos religiously. Their club is just for guys who love me. I was a successful and accomplished performer long before I got on the Internet. You would be nothing without it.

I'll go on record saying you use video editing. Can you prove you don't?
I'd love for you to prove me wrong. I really would. But you can't because you can not prove a lie.

You're used to everyone looking up to you and thinking you're amazing. So when I came along and gave you a little dose of reality and didn't believe your bullsh*t, you got defensive. You should of taken the challenge and proven yourself. But instead you made excuses.
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Old 12-06-2010, 07:22 PM   #6
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Jonathan Kamm (kammagic) was banned from this forum board. By ignoring the 'Everyone is equal' rule for over five times after being warned, ignoring the 'No public magic exposure allowed' rule at least once, and accusing a well respected forumer of false advertising twice, Jonathan has shown not to be worth his membership. It is a pity that someone of his caliber could not keep up with the simple and obvious forum rules, and could not resist posting continuously on how good he thinks he is for absolutely no reason.
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Old 12-06-2010, 10:04 PM   #7
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I'm not going to say much because it's not that Jonathan made a lot of sense but I'd like to clear up we paid quite a bit of money for the video animation in the 'Morpheus Exposed' video. As said in the credits, it was animated by Dave Jones of Video FX Universe.
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Old 12-06-2010, 10:18 PM   #8
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He just can not read and he is pissed off right now I guess :P

but for mister Jonathan Kamm who probably still can read this:
Mark isnt using camera tricks
I have seen him performing this live and it is just amazing!
his technique is so perfect. I have no idea how long it took him to master these tricks !
(I can not go in further detail here, because that would break some rules )
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Old 08-15-2012, 12:19 PM   #9
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Hey Mark, did you offer to perform for kammagic live?
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Old 08-15-2012, 05:34 PM   #10
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Absolutely. But after all, I did not even perform anything for him live to make him realize he was wrong. I pointed out all of the clues of 'The Flash' over the phone (something I usually wouldn't do but I figured it would prove me right). He ended up admitting to be wrong.

Funniest is that he literally told me that I should have told him those things earlier as both of us are magicians and should not be having secrets for each other. Say what?! Well, I obviously don't live in the world of magic he lives in.
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Old 08-17-2012, 06:03 PM   #11
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Am I not understanding something here? Mark, why is there so much drama with the magic community? I'm not truly invested in the whole market of magic, but I am devoted to what I know and have been able to find to study [a majority you have suggested to me], is there something about magic I don't understand?

Here is what I understand: Magic by definition is an unexplained science. It is an art form. Art spans back to when communication began to take shape. This specific art form is focused on being "Magical", which by the above definition ^ would reference that when observed it cannot be explained. Teachers of magic are selective of their students for the lessons of mastery, though art is non-biased, to continue the purpose of its title "Magic". I am a student magician.

Am I missing something here?
-This the bottom of my thread.
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Old 08-17-2012, 10:08 PM   #12
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You're absolutely right and I wished that's what the world of magic would actually still be like. Unfortunately, a whole lot of magicians out there have no idea how to deal with the many, recent changes that took place. Everyone now has an own opinion and no one seems to share the same opinion anymore, making it one big mess including a lot of drama.

It's so easy for everyone to be on one and the same page, just following the ethics and laws that have already been there since the beginning and applying those to the current world of magic. However, many think they can go their own ways, creating their own ethics (f.i. publicly exposing magic) and even going against actual laws out there (f.i. false advertising). History will tell drama has always been part of the art to a certain extend, but these recent changes caused the drama to shift from personal matters to matters of public interest, matters that are actually essential for the art and that make sure the art stays what it's supposed to be.

There is a fairly small amount of magicians that actually entered the art at the same time most of those changes were taking place. You will see that both classic magicians and magicians who entered the art later have a lot more trouble making up their minds about the current world of magic. Classic magicians will usually think they need to change rather than staying with what they have been taught, the new magicians will look at what seems to be most popular, or each will just come up with their own ethics based on their own imaginations. The ones who entered the art at the right time, thankfully including myself, can actually tell that there has been absolutely no need to get rid of the classic ethics, to merely adjust these to current events, and that in the end those ethics are the only ones that would keep the art safe rather than bringing it to chaos.

Also, please realize that most of the drama you happen to see is that of magicians and magicians-only. For laymen nothing changes (or rather is not supposed to or shouldn't have changed as those magicians that went their own ways in many cases changed the art for spectators too). How magicians treat the art has really been all over the place lately, which for obvious and earlier-explained reasons cannot possibly be good for the art.
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Old 08-20-2012, 03:08 AM   #13
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So the only thing that I missed out on is the current events between the classical magicians, "Markonian" [hahahahaha] era magicians, and new age magicians and their lack of communication skills as well as openness to the history of magic?

I just recently realized what a laymen is too Mark! My neighborhood finally socialized me as a non-stranger, and one of the adults spoke about magic tricks [he is a layman] pulled out a deck and pulled of a DL effect and that was it. I didn't laugh out loud, but I nearly cracked because of my realization about magic. I am student magician, so my routines are limited and I am restricted with my actions, but I performed to a large group a close-up routine with a borrowed deck, and ended the routine magically.

This was a shocker to me. Thanks for re-asserting to me that the community is magicians and magicians-only.
-This the bottom of my thread.
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Old 08-20-2012, 07:02 AM   #14
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It's not so much about their communication skills (indeed, in case of Jonathan Kamm and some others it actually is). It's much more that the vast majority of them have no idea how to deal with anything anymore. Thankfully, every now and then someone from within those groups stands up and makes clear how it actually is and should be. For instance, Paul Daniels is pretty much on the same page as we are. Thank goodness there still are magicians with the ability to think and care.

On the other hand, there for instance is a bunch of magicians that lived by "No magic exposure" for most if not all of their lives who now don't mind public exposure and tutorials anymore, another bunch that really cared about keeping the art open only to those really interested in practicing it who now commercialize the heck out of it, and so on and so forth.

By the way, good to hear you've been accepted now.
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Old 08-21-2012, 04:48 AM   #15
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Thank you! I'm excited as well! and thanks for engaging me in this topic, now I have a clearer idea of how to interact with other magicians when I meet them
-This the bottom of my thread.
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Old 09-20-2012, 10:21 PM   #16
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so Mark, going off of the original topic that Kammagic started, about you removing those products, are there similar (not identical) sleights in your downloadables? For example the insane controls like MTL and APEX or even you unbelievably perfect pass are there similar controls like that in a trick like Interception for instance, one of your downloadables that I am contemplating of purchasing? If there is not, I do not know how I can live the rest of my live without knowing at least one of YOUR crazy sleights....
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Old 09-21-2012, 12:16 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by mrtrickzstar View Post
so Mark, going off of the original topic that Kammagic started, about you removing those products, are there similar (not identical) sleights in your downloadables? For example the insane controls like MTL and APEX or even you unbelievably perfect pass are there similar controls like that in a trick like Interception for instance, one of your downloadables that I am contemplating of purchasing? If there is not, I do not know how I can live the rest of my live without knowing at least one of YOUR crazy sleights....
What we do is adding up all people's requests (yours included) and seeing what's worth re-releasing the most. With that, the 'Practical Pass' from my 'King of the Pass' DVD (the most requested product) is being re-released and could be pre-ordered in the Store. As for the other tricks to be found in our videos, almost everyone has a different opinion.

Other than that, the 'Globe' coin vanish/transposition, the title trick from the 'Globe' DVD, can be found in the store right here and the 'Bertram Shadow Change' from '125cc' can be found here. Something else from me that could be found on Jennifer's 'Poker d'Advanced' DVD could be found here and some of the works that can be found in the discontinued releases are to be found in some of the other available videos too but don't play any major part in these I'd say. But I suppose there is enough out there that has been made available again, and a lot more is likely coming soon.
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Old 09-23-2012, 01:11 AM   #18
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thank you for replying and answering my question. I'm 100 % buying practical pass and interception from you hoping that neither of them "go away" before then. I will be fast. thank you

mark, the colour change "smooth" I have seen a couple other youtube vids where people performed it and you commented on the vid. How did these people learn the change? They could not have figured ti out because its flawless. OR did you perform this live as well?? Because seriously, that CC looks fun!!
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Old 09-28-2012, 02:27 PM   #19
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I have performed it live for many and I have explained some of the basics to others personally, but I have not seen anyone perform 'Smooth' in a video yet, only their own takes on it. Everyone seems to be overlooking one of the core principles, apart from the ones who actually own the set.
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Old 06-11-2022, 07:02 PM   #20
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