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Old 07-03-2013, 09:35 PM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 6

Wow, you seem to really care about me! Thank you! I know you "think" your doing the right thing by "exposing" me. But in reality you are hurting the art of magic.

I want to first start off by commending you and saying that I support your right to say and act however you want. I also want to say that I can see that you do really care about the art and I commend you for that. I do not believe this post is here because you are a detractor of mine. You seem to passionately care about magic...and so do I. That is what makes us brothers in this art.

Let me go through each point one by one:

Falsely caring about others
I am a big influence in this art whether you like it or not. My magic is performed by thousands of magicians all around the world. I have students in every single continent, and I have devoted my life to this art. Am I still against the industry? Yes in a big part, but I am also a realist and I have 2 children to take care of and all the other BS that life brings (bills,food..etc)
I am very careful who and what I align myself with in this industry.
I went back to E because they were the BEST possible resource at the time with what I wanted to do next...MAKE MONEY and GET NEW material out into a NEW generation that had not heard of me yet or that has only been open to a smaller part of my material... AND TO MAKE MONEY..YA DAMN SKIPPY! And as far as torrenting goes...umm yea I have done it and so has everyone else of this generation. But I always always MAKE IT RIGHT by paying for the actual download. And you know who has been the one person more than anyone else that I torrent..MYSELF! I am very very thankful for those who torrent now, because when I want my own shit (because I ran out of it at a lecture,convention etc) guess what? I can just download is really great and saves me a shit ton of money.

Not Desperate For Money..but for change:
So you see it as a being desperate for money but the reason I started tweaking my prices is for one simple reason: I am experimenting with pricing points and ways to market better to those who do not have a lot of money. See, that is me caring about the students. I had the lowest prices in the magic world for a while (and the old material will still stay $5-8). Then I started to tweak it more, and I realized that I had a blind spot in my rear view mirror. Yes, everyone was BAT SHIT CRAZY happy that my prices went down and YES I made A LOT of money with that (like seriously, a BOAT LOAD), but I saw that I was missing a bigger picture when I got over 200 emails in that month saying they love the new price range (and here is a direct quote from one of those very loyal customers) "But your magic is way to special to just give this away, I would pay whatever it took to get your ideas in my hands" After reading that I realized that I was seriously undercutting myself and cheating my children out of their part. So I decided that that model (although a GREAT idea and one that i will still be going for and looking at in the future) was not the BEST one for me now. So all my new magic will be at a price (still fair and still cheap) that others have come to know, but the old material will stay in that experiment price range. You learn!

(not going to comment on the download section since I cant prove anything to you and you seem to want that proof. I would just say do to some torrenting sites and take everything I have ever put out (its quite a lot, over 38 DVDs, not including downloads, lecture notes, interviews, etc) and look at the numbers..they don't lie..umm shit I guess I did comment!

Foul Mouthed is not a foul ball:
I am a grown ass, 37 year old man. I can say whatever, and however I want to say it. I do not cater to an industries feelings, or how they respect me. As long as I respect myself, I am ahead of the game. that is one of the reasons people relate to me so easily is because I am not someone who coats things with superficial talk and dumb ass surfacy language. I am honest, I do have integrity (although if you go to my haters sites and blogs and shit...that might seem contradictory.. by the way,DUDE thank you for the SUPERHERO name by the way.."THE CONTRADICTOR" said in the best Morgan freeman voice) and I do care a butt load about this art. I have given every ounce of energy in my body to that cause and will continue to do so until I die.

Penguin is not just a is a resolution:
And last but not least. The penguin lecture deal is not in stone yet so therefore it is not yours or anyone else's business. I will let YOU know when I want to GIVE YOU info on that! And as far as the kranzo deal. lol. Lets just say he TRIED really hard to make sure they did not hire me (even though they approached me) with lying, manipulation and the like. and you know what happened? I am lecturing for penguin in the future..and you know why? BECAUSE I STOOD UP FOR MYSELF AND THREATENED THE VERY FABRIC OF THE SITUATION! And when the dust settled, guess who won? Myself and penguin. Penguin magic and tim trono did right by me and I am very happy with the outcome. In no way do I want others to hate penguin, but i had to say what I had to say to get peoples attention. And it worked.

I would like to end by saying thank you very much for writing what you wrote. I am very very particular on WHO and WHEN AND WHERE I write back to on the internet, because honestly I could give 2 fucks what anyone thinks about me, and what they just HAVE TO TELL THE WORLD about me. Because its all just free publicity for me!
But you seem to have real questions and I wanted to respect you enough to answer those and you could hear it right from my mouth and not some bullshit rumor mill.

(oh, and this is all I am saying about this, I will not be responding at length anymore...I have to go live life..toodels!)
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