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Albert 02-03-2011 05:49 AM

Disappointment in today's magic industry...
I'm pretty sure most people have already realized this, seeing so many moves and sleights being published under a "new" name just because he tweaked the move a little bit. I think this is a good example (you can even see him flash big time for the top control, regardless of their efforts to hide it, which is sad):

Don't you think "professional" magicians these days are too money oriented? I don't know anymore if they are doing magic because they love it, or because they love the money they can rip off of people.

Some people may argue that they are doing it for a living, but seriously, they are trying to make a living by ripping people off. Doesn't seem like they had no other motivation in life, such as getting an education for other professions.

Honestly, people like Cris, Takayart, kzmania (although he had an official debut at vanishing inc. not too long ago), and not to forget, MARK, seem to be that much better at the art.

I guess when money's on the line, people will take too big of a short cut and really ignore the basis of magic and skip right to the less useful sleights and magic tricks.

I think we can learn from this that intrinsic motivation for the art really brings out the fullest potential of a person, not money or fame; just pure love for the art.

What do you think?

Mark 02-03-2011 06:09 PM

Exactly what Richard said in the thread about JK. Unfortunately, many of the people who now are ripping off tricks started exactly like most of the ones you named, Alex Pandrea being one of them. Good thing that every now and then someone realizes what kind of commercial play is going on. Both Lee Asher and Aaron Fisher left Theory11 for that reason. Bad thing that for every person leaving, ten people will step into the trap. :(

The reason is kind of obvious too: who wouldn't want to belong to some sort of "elite" kind of company and make money and fame with that? Both the magician and the company seem to be in a win-win kind of situation, especially when using classic sleights and barely tweaking them because then they can produce more releases in shorter amounts of time and there will always be people who are willing to buy those kind of products too. Rushing is included as that would boost the amounts even more. Money, money, money! Happy lunar new year.. every single day! :thinking:

One of the worst cases must have been Irving Quant with Dan & Dave On Demand. For his single effect releases they decided to have Irving perform the effects differently (and dirtier) than what he taught in the releases. Like that he didn't have to master any of them beforehand and they could release all of them in no time. It made Irving look like a much better magician too. Ka-ching!

What bothers me the most is that every single one of those companies is complaining about piracy too. They blame society, but they better start realizing that they are responsible for it themselves with all the mass sells and such. They could as well care a little less about the money and sell a little less. Most of the money is made with playing cards anyways in case the company in question sells those.

Albert 02-03-2011 07:03 PM

I never knew that was the reason Aaron and Lee left! I think they did the right thing :)

I really do hope, in the future, more people will learn about this stupidity and start to deviate away from those magic sites.

As you mentioned, it is quite amusing how they spread the plague and complain about it spreading further out of their limited control.

Oh gosh.... I feel like an A-hole now because I've been doing tutorials :cry:

It's all your fault Mark! I blame you for making me feel ultra guilty! :D

I'm going to try and stop doing tutorials on card sleights or tricks, but rather focus on flourishes (simple ones, like the spring) or put up mini lectures on how I think people can improve magic.

TheMisdirectingHand 02-04-2011 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by albert (Post 698)
I'm going to try and stop doing tutorials on card sleights or tricks, but rather focus on flourishes (simple ones, like the spring) or put up mini lectures on how i think people can improve magic.


Mission Accomplished

LittleLead 02-04-2011 06:19 PM

Lee asher is awesome, just sayin

Mark 02-08-2011 09:14 PM

Annnd.. they did it again:


Originally Posted by dbsquared

Originally Posted by themimo14540
there some cheating on this video ? no ? cause there's some cut just at the effect or pass

The camera-cut has absolutely nothing to do with the Technique.

They must be kidding, right? It has absolutely everything to do with the technique, and with Alex not having it down. :mad:

MeandmagiC 02-08-2011 09:15 PM

true Mark :)
he s*cks... xD
at his "own" sleights :P
poor fellow :P

Mark 02-08-2011 09:28 PM

Well, I know they usually ignore my comments but I left this to the 'TOP' video:

I'm sorry but I would rather see you guys having your artists practice a bit more first before having them release anything. Alex isn't the first person you have been rushing things with. So please keep the art of magic alive rather than releasing rushed and unmastered stuff like this. This doesn't do anything good to the art.
They will have to listen to it sometime. The video already has more dislikes than likes.

MeandmagiC 02-08-2011 09:31 PM

jup :)
lets make them listen, because this is going nowhere...

Albert 02-08-2011 09:52 PM

Oh gosh, I almost punched the screen watching that huge cut in the middle of the trick and sleights. :mad:

But I'm surprised Cris actually liked that video. Maybe he just liked the move, and he is right to some extent. But the cut effect was absolutely unnecessary. You can see it being done during the transpo anyways.

But either way, I don't really like the move...

Mark 02-08-2011 09:57 PM

Well, I got to give them this: the cut totally fooled me! I did NOT see it coming! Everything seemed to go so well.. but apparently Alex was still able to mess it up. :(

Let's not forget about the fact he chose the worst contrast card.. from a face-up deck of cards. He must be a pro, not?

And yeah, well, Cris is a move monkey and is totally the person to do such a move. I still was very disappointed when I saw his comment. :(

s13zeTheDay 02-09-2011 01:03 AM

I'm also a bit disappointed in the quality of the moves they are releasing. Not only are there much better moves to achieve the desired effect, it is pretty obvious how it's done from even the first time through. I wish I could just get free money from teaching moves that other people invented and I didn't have to perfect.

zachcloseupmagic 02-09-2011 03:41 AM

Well Mark, if the chris you were reffering to is Chris Kenner, than you just insulted him by spelling his name after Criss anal. How dare you :P

Albert 02-09-2011 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by zachcloseupmagic (Post 842)
Well Mark, if the chris you were reffering to is Chris Kenner, than you just insulted him by spelling his name after Criss anal. How dare you :P

He meant Cris as in BCardician but haha Mark messed up anyways :D

la0o9 02-09-2011 05:00 AM

this is really getting ridiculous... that technique flashed so much... even to an untrained eye, it still is fishy... and the camera cut is... i have nothing left to even try and defend them with... the D&D company has gone down hill since after their Uzumaki DVD...

LittleLead 02-10-2011 10:56 PM

It sickens me
Dan and Dave seem to of lowered their standards, I mean come on, look at their newest on demand release.

Mark 02-10-2011 11:02 PM

They disabled all the comments to the 'TOP' video. Why do they just not want to listen to us?! Funny that they actually didn't disable the ratings: 33 likes, 72 dislikes. I'm extremely glad that most people are realizing it now. ^_^

Albert 02-10-2011 11:04 PM

Seriously, D&D should have kept themselves to a limited amount of artists in their group. They're just opening up to get new materials to make easy money off of... :(

'Tis a shame..

Mark 08-20-2011 03:39 PM

Apparently, you can now get Alex's 'Brick Pass' DVD featuring the 'Turnover Pass' as a so called bonus for.. wait for it.. $17.95?!?!?!?!?!? :ugh:

Albert 08-20-2011 04:00 PM

Ridiculous... >.<

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