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Randy 09-06-2011 12:39 PM

I change???
He guy's what you think about this trick?
looks cool but i think its fake dunno it looks to clean
i think its edited...And if not its a cool color change .

Albert 09-06-2011 01:13 PM

It looks fake to me. The lighting suddenly changes when the colour changes, which would mean that it was a separate take when the sun's position changed (later on in the day).

MeandmagiC 09-06-2011 02:04 PM

lol, the only method could be the blue thing covering up the black cover
but, when he removes it, the black thing is completely gone,
sooooo, I say its fake, unless he posts a video which is recorded with a better camera xD

la0o9 09-06-2011 03:41 PM

i'd say that it's fake, after playing it frame by frame, i conclude that either he had the Flash( the gimmick or the superhero) and an invisible sleeve, he could only achieve that with editting

Randy 09-06-2011 04:22 PM

Ha i thought so it was a fake video and he said with help of Penguin Magic he
created this effect :thinking: .

Here is another 1 .

Mark 09-06-2011 04:36 PM

Hahaha, and he calls the second one "less practical". Aren't tricks that use more cover always more practical? :thinking:
Oh, and this is impossible to do with 'The Flash' too, either the gimmick or the superhero (what's the difference anyways?).

Albert 09-06-2011 05:55 PM

Haha, the 2nd video fails worse since the position of the case changes when he didn't even touch it; I doubt a light cloth could move that case.

Travmang 09-06-2011 06:12 PM

It would be a crime to NOT mention Albert's new avatar. I feel as though the next time I go to eat an apple, I'll see Mr. Trollface on my it. ;) :ugh: The worst is when I wake up at 4am to go to the bathroom, and I see him swirling around in the toilet water. Gives me a heart attack nearly every time. :(

MeandmagiC 09-06-2011 06:32 PM

why does he use such a big movement for putting a napkin over a phone?
he could aswell put another one on the table and push off the first one with that kind of movement :S

TheMisdirectingHand 09-06-2011 11:47 PM

I would say this is definitely fake. Why? Well... :

- The lighting changes on BOTH videos right before the "change" occurs

- What is the need for publishing a video at 720p if you're using a camera that has a framerate worst than that of a toaster?

- The first video has absolutely no motion whatsoever

-The angle it was filmed in was horrible, and had no moving background, if it were real, there would be no need for such a bad camera/angle to record at. It should be uploaded from the spectator's point of view, facing the performer.

Fin 09-07-2011 06:22 AM

Looking at it closely I believe that the first video has been done using a simple case of "colour manipulation". It is in fact one continuous take. Just as the colour changes watch carefully the small red-ish object on the floor near the top right corner of the screen. It's colour also changes. I think he has just chosen a specific "colour range" and applied a change of "hue" to it, thus affecting everything in the frame which is of that colour or similar. This can be done incredibly easily in photoshop as well as video manipulation programs; you literally click on, or "sample" the object whose colour you want to change, then drag a slider to change it, and just that object or others with the same colour will change.. Everything else in the photo/video will remain completely untouched. The second vid probably uses the same technique.

MeandmagiC 09-07-2011 06:23 PM

good call fin!

Randy 09-07-2011 10:49 PM

Yeah i c it, wow whats with all the edited magic now days.

But on another forum 1 guy posted that he saw a trick similar as this 1 done
with iphone only with a balloon wrapped on the cover if you get what i mean .

TheMisdirectingHand 09-08-2011 12:04 AM

Fin, if it were a colour manipulation, I think it would look less realistic than it is now, the glare of the sun on it is exactly the same.

Albert 09-08-2011 01:16 AM

I still think it's a separate take, in which the brighter lighting made that small red-ish object lighter. That's what I also used as my first guess on what kind of video edit it was. However, what Fin said also has merit, as it could be a possibility.

Fin 09-10-2011 03:55 AM

The glare of the sun is being left totally untouched by the process, since the relevant colours are not included in the "sample" that he took. Play around with the colour manipulation tools in photoshop and you'll see what I mean. "Realism" or the feeling of it is not affected.. only a chosen colour selection.

Here is a quick example I just made in photoshop. It took 3 minutes to change the colour of this object, and ONLY this object. Nothing else in the scene is affected in any way.


Colour Manipulated:

Fine details you may notice, like the red that is left around the buttons, could be easily fixed were I to spend a little more time on it. I just did a quick job for demonstration purposes. I see no reason why this sort of effect could not be reproduced in a video editing program.

Kieran Oloughlin 09-10-2011 04:32 AM

You guys are being a bit spectical...

Albert 09-10-2011 04:35 AM

Now that I see Fin's reproduction of it, I'm much more convinced! :D

Fin 09-10-2011 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by Kieran Oloughlin (Post 3959)
You guys are being a bit spectical...

It's "skeptical"! And yes, we are. Magic isn't real yunno! ;)

Albert 09-10-2011 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Fin (Post 3962)
Magic isn't real yunno! ;)

You just said something very very taboo for a magician! You are exiled from the guild of the magi! xD

I'm joking with you ;)

Fin 09-10-2011 08:42 AM

lol Albert, thanks :) But in fact it was a kind of sarcastic joke, since deep down I do in fact believe in magic. If you saw what I saw those two ufo's do back in 2008 you'd either go crazy or start believing in magic again. The truth is out there!!!

Kieran Oloughlin 09-10-2011 10:40 AM

Fin.... I cant tell if you are being sarcastic or truthful anymore...

Albert 09-10-2011 01:28 PM

♪ ♫ Fin, the master of sarcasm! ♪ ♫

Kieran Oloughlin 09-10-2011 01:47 PM

He is more sarcastic than my friend...whos a teenager...AND OTHER TEENAGERS KNOW HIM WELL FOR HIS SARCASM...

Fin 09-10-2011 03:43 PM

Isn't ambiguity a beautiful thing sometimes? I am indeed dead serious, as anyone who's seen my facebook profile will attest:- It includes hand drawings and newspaper cuttings which prove that I was not the only witness. Ain't life strange? That's me stood below them with my eyes popping out of my head back in September 2008. At least 4 other people saw these two black triangles floating around our area that night but I saw them as orbs, hovering over the streetlamps, and when I pulled over for a closer look they morphed into these much larger black triangles with lights all over them :eek: If you think that's crazy just assume I'm joking and move along. If you have an open mind then I'm totally serious! :p

TheMisdirectingHand 09-10-2011 06:40 PM


la0o9 09-10-2011 10:47 PM

... wow...

Fin 09-11-2011 03:09 AM

Wow indeed! Yes it really happened and I'm not ashamed to discuss it, although it does make some people look at me strangely when I go into the details. It was really "close" and had I wanted to I could have thrown a stone at them and watched it bounce off. It was the most incredible thing I've ever seen.

The orbs were hovering literally about 2 to 3 metres just above the tree tops as I drove up to the traffic lights, and one of them was beginning to change shape with a pointy spike protruding from its right side. They were roughly basketball sized, one hovering just above the other. Then I pulled over the car, got out and turned back to look at them, and in that time they had changed from bright amber orbs into black triangles, each about the size of a small jet fighter. I stood and watched in awe as they began to cross over the motorway, absolutely silently and INCREDIBLY SLOWLY at about walking pace. As they did this they went partially transparent for about a second, exactly like a ship "cloaking" in star trek, believe it or not, they were rippling and transparent like looking through water. Then they slowly changed shape, from equilateral triangles to long pointy spearhead triangles, their edges moving and changing like the "wings" of a stingray. The change was obvious and bizarre since these triangles looked very much like solid objects. They had different coloured lights on the underside including 4 very fat bright blue lights.

All this time I was just standing there in the middle of the deserted road swearing out loud "what the fu*k is that.. what the hell is that!". Then they slowly turned their backs to me and started to zip off in two different directions, but as they turned, all the lights on their underside, which until now had been multiple colours, changed slowly to a bright white. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Mulder, eat your heart out!

This sounds crazy but it happened, and it was like something out of a Spielberg film. If you don't believe me just ask yourself why would I lie? I stick to my story despite regular ridicule, funny looks, and many people just saying "oh, you saw a star", or "it was a chinook helicopter" etc. This was a life-changing event for me, so I talk about it despite knowing that many will think I'm a wierdo.. But hey, I was wierd before it happened, so I'm cool with that :rolleyes:

This from one of the other witnesses who wrote into the paper after seeing my drawing:

Albert 09-11-2011 03:22 AM

Fin, you should have shot your rocket launcher on it to bring it down on to the ground!

Fin 09-11-2011 04:28 AM

Albert, when something like this happens to you the rocket launcher sitting in your back pocket will be the last thing you think to grab! But yes, you're right. All we gotta do is shoot one of these things down and the whole mystery would be solved. Hmmmmm....

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