Charlotte Pendragon's 'Wonderful' Wonderball Routine!
Hello, I am new to Magicians Gathering. I begin my first post with a compliment to one of magic's finest ladies - Charlotte Pendragon. We all know her performances as physical grand illusionist is second to none; but what we ( or at least I didn't know) know about her, is that her talents also include creating stage magic and performing it very well. I once saw The Pendragons perform in Pennsylvania at a theater back in the late 90s. I was surprised to see the Charlotte Pendragon performing an excellent strait jacket as well as a mentalism routine. Her work was excellent then, and she continues to excel today as proven by her recent work with her new floating ball and her improvements on the Sands of Egypt.
What I love about Charlotte Pendragon's floating ball, which she refers to as the Wonderball is she moves with the ball. She describes her inspiration being from the dancing cane. When I saw her performance of the Wonderball I agree. Charlotte moves with the same incredible grace she performs her illusions. Her treatment of her floating ball is no different. I especially got a real kick out of her tossing the ball up in the air to demonstrate, "look no strings attached".
I spoke to one person who made a purchase of the Wonderball and he said the Wonderball is amazingly easy load up to perform, unlike similar products. In other words he isn't afraid of the strings.