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Mark 01-29-2011 04:25 PM

The Definition of Impromptu
Impromptu may as well be the most misunderstood and incorrectly used term in the art of magic. When is something impromptu and when is it not? Impromptu doesn't automatically mean that something is clean, and gimmicks don't necessarily mean that something is not impromptu. To top this, there often is a difference between tricks and their performances too, in terms of one being impromptu and the other not. Oh, the confusion. :rolleyes:

Impromptu simply means that there was no preparation involved. This sounds very simple and clear but it's not because the word preparation isn't as clear as it seems to be.

For instance, if you go out perform and you always carry along a specific extra prop (gimmick), there has been some preparation in the past, but not for the specific performance nor for the specific tricks, and maybe not even on purpose. You may as well not use the prop. In this case we call it impromptu, as long as using this prop doesn't require any separate set-up time. If however you just decided to bring along the prop because you plan on using it, the performance won't be impromptu.

Setups are where the main issues take place. Even if you just place the two jokers on top of the deck beforehand to do a sandwich effect, there is a setup and thus this is not impromptu. However, if you never use the jokers in your performances apart for in sandwich effects and you keep them always aside in advance, this setup is impromptu and so are the trick and performance.

If you put the four aces on top of the deck and have them magically appear in the beginning of the performance, this performance is not impromptu. If you have no idea where the four aces are and take them out of the deck in the beginning of the performance, this is impromptu. If you set up the aces during the performance, this is impromptu too. You may as well do the exact same clean effect with those four aces, the performance will not be impromptu as soon as you set up the four aces in advance, before you start performing.

So the actual definition of impromptu is: no preparation other than usual ones. Usual preparations (habits) are different for every individual, but this means that you are ready to perform a trick anywhere at anytime without any separate set-up time needed.

I hope this clears it up. ^_^

MeandmagiC 01-29-2011 06:00 PM

yes it really does clears things up! thank you! :D

Unfortunately, it is sometimes boring to watch (in a youtube video) someone set up a trick. Like looking for the aces or something. But if you want to call it impromptu, you have to look for them at the start of the video :P
hmmm xD

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