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OliveroG 12-31-2011 05:24 PM

Magic Evolution - Science
Simple thread, i want to know your opinion about the way magic is going to evolve with all the scientific advance we're having, i mean, in a few years propably what we do is going to be possible with machines and stuff; are we going to start doing robotic magic (like some performers already have)? or are our standard mysteries (cards, coins, mentalism, etc) still going to blow people away in the future?

ouncesmusic 12-31-2011 06:34 PM

One of the best "magacians" of all time would have to be Nikola Tesla. Look him up.

As for nowadays, harnessing the natural powers of nature and manipulating them as a scientist does, seems deserving of the title "modern day alchemist." And the movie "The Prestige" briefly introduces the idea of magicians/performers getting with the advancments of time and incorporating them into their performances.

I think it starts with realizing if the introduction of something new is going to make or break you. If it makes things easier or if it becomes a hassle to use. Than, one would have to decide if the science/technology introduced is taking away from the performace or your self; establishing a reason or explanation within the "new device" and no longer a skill you posses.

So that's kind of my beginning thoughts on that. I use to really be into gimmicks because of how far the branch from reality can stem with these amazing items. However, I slowly have weened my self from the dependency of an item performing a miracle that I can learn without it and feel 10x more confident with my performing skills that I have worked hard to earn. Like a pat on the back.

TommySteal 01-01-2012 03:38 PM

Tough question Marcos. Give us some time to think about that one

Asad 01-05-2012 08:21 AM

This is a great topic. Tesla (one of my personal heros) was indeed treated like a magician for his incredible advancements in technology. Unlike magicians though, I'm sure he wished his audiences completely understood all of his creations.

As technology continues to advance at such a rapid rate I think people will be less and less impressed with the "tricks" that these gadgets perform. While the performances of Marco Tempest and others like him are entertaining I think they do lack a sense of mystery and wonder. The introduction of electronic gadgets creates confusion and forces the audience to question whether the "magic" is being created by the tool or the person.

That being said I think (and hope) that the value in a pack of cards will be eternal. Magic done with 52 pieces of relatable paper shall always be undeniable :)

la0o9 01-05-2012 08:20 PM

true, but i feel magic with a pack of cards is quite picky with it's audience nowadays, a quick, visual and simply trick would always gets their attention, but unless you pick your tricks carefully you would and could end up losing audience in the 2nd effect, whereas magic with anything that isn't a pack of cards, would keep their attention longer, since it's not what they're used to seeing( their own cigarette or lighter is used in a transpo, that is much cooler than 2 cards in a transpo, imo).

TommySteal 01-05-2012 11:25 PM

Hopefully magic using electronical gagetry won't become more popular. To me it isn't magical enough.

OliveroG 01-06-2012 04:12 AM

I think that, well performed, any item can be strong enough to carry a long time routine, i have seen magicians routines with cards that are 3 hours long, and the audience simply can't get enough; it's everything about how you perform.

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