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TommySteal 05-27-2011 06:39 PM

Links and Uploads
Hey Guys
I don't exactly have a computer head so I was wondering if anyone can answer my question. Is there a way to submit a video directly to Magicians the Gathering without linking to youtube - the reason being I don't want any rough performances on my youtube channel if you know what I mean?

Travmang 05-27-2011 06:47 PM

You can make the video a hidden video on youtube so only the people with a link will be able to see it, then provide us with the link, if that helps.

TommySteal 05-27-2011 09:09 PM

Thanks man, I didn't realise that was possible

Mark 05-27-2011 11:36 PM

You can also put the unlisted video (as suggested by Trav) in media tags.. [ m ] link [ /m ] without the spaces. It will show up in a video player on the site, but still wouldn't be visible on YouTube itself. Awesome, isn't it? :D

Click here for an example.

la0o9 05-28-2011 02:01 AM

as Mark have said, there's an unlisted option when you upload your videos, if you look around( when you upload or in the video page itself), there should be a space that says "public", click that and change it to "unlisted" and you're set. other than that... making a new account is also an option

TommySteal 05-28-2011 02:22 PM

Thanks guys for you patience, I found the unlisted option.


Originally Posted by Mark (Post 2175)
You can also put the unlisted video (as suggested by Trav) in media tags.. [ m ] link [ /m ] without the spaces. It will show up in a video player on the site, but still wouldn't be visible on YouTube itself. Awesome, isn't it? :D

Click here for an example.

It would be pretty neat if I could figure out how to do it ;). What do you do? Copy/paste the link into the message body, and then...? What are media tags? and what does it mean by wrapping?

Mark 05-29-2011 11:39 PM

Sorry, I thought '[ m ] link [ /m ]' was pretty self-explanatory.

For instance:
[ m ][ /m ] without the spaces =

TheMisdirectingHand 05-30-2011 08:44 AM

Mark, I'm digging the tune in this video!

TommySteal 05-30-2011 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mark (Post 2215)
Sorry, I thought '[ m ] link [ /m ]' was pretty self-explanatory.

For instance:
[ m ][ /m ] without the spaces =

Yeah it was, I'm just a bit slow at times :))

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