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Albert 11-23-2011 04:53 PM

Internal (Subliminal) Feud
Okay, I'm going to be straight up in this thread about what's on my mind regarding how this forum is running and what's happening currently. If you have any concerns about what I say below or any additional ones, please do comment on it.

Firstly, the Magic Alert section sometimes seems to be abused or misused. In other words, sometimes, a person (including me) will overemphasize a matter of a fact's concerns a little too far. I guess you can say that I am somewhat guilty of that in the HighRise topic. My intentions of stating that crediting on the products page should be put to be less misleading turned out to be some massive debate about whether HighRise is similar to the Bow-to-Stern and the Blind Square. I under-emphasized the differences in HighRise to the other moves, which I guess you could say, further built up the whole argument a lot bigger. I'll make sure that I state more clearly my point and keep my facts straight without adding as much bias as possible next time, so I apologize for that.

On the other hand, I also do wish that people segregate one concern for another within the thread to keep it orderly. I almost lost track of if the thread was started due to the concerns on crediting on the products page to the crediting problems due to the differences (or the lack of it) in HighRise to BtS and BS.

Secondly, if there are any disagreements, I wish people would explain clearly why, like what Fin has done all along. This makes the conversation much easier to follow up to instead of becoming frustrated into thinking that the other person hasn't understood what one meant.

Thirdly, I do think Mark and I do very strictly emphasize the matter on ethics. Everyone has different views on ethics and we respect that. However, it seems that due to out extremely strong belief of it, we tend to skip our part about our respect towards one's opinions. If you find that I am straying away from the general rules of respect and opinion in the future, please do give me a big-ass slap in the face to wake-up. Otherwise, the threads will go crazy.

On the other hand, I do believe that it is important for everyone to hold a more respectful and beneficial view towards magic. Although it is my biased opinion, I do believe that the ethics rules Admin has posted is a very good starting point on where to begin. I'm not saying you should always take everything word for word, since that would otherwise be rude. But, it should be something to heavily consider in my utmost opinion.

Lastly, regarding threads like the Classic Pass contest, I wish that one would not be upset at the fact that another has not participated in it. Each person has their own views and situations that could be preventing them mentally or physically. Those non-participants have no grudge against the OP or it participants, so taking it personally seems very unfair to me. It makes the non-participants seem like the bad guy. Regardless, it may be fair to post a reason why one isn't planning on participating (or anytime soon, that is).

Well, my class starts in like 5 minutes, so I have to go. So I'll leave it at this. If anyone else has any concerns or feedbacks they would like to post, I believe this is a good time to see the better way to direct this community. Otherwise, it would end up in chaos.

Thanks. :)

TheMisdirectingHand 11-23-2011 08:07 PM

Your "firstly" paragraph (too lazy to use quotes):

It's not you're overemphasizing, Albert, you're just way too concerned over the specific topic you're trying to make. For example, let's use High Rise. Sure, it's a move with credits not given in the trailer, and that is completely wrong. Rick selling the move like his own also does not seem right. You pointed these out. You also pointed out the origins of the move: BtS and BS. You're also very strong on the subject because High Rise was "taken" from someone you know, ideally Cris. It's not overemphasis, you're just caring and really need to make your point. Also, you only figured what Rick's move was from the trailer (I hope), in that case, there was no way you could tell the differences. You are just concerned about giving credit when it is due. It is not a crime, Albert, and there is nothing against any of it. If anything, you spoke out before anyone I know, and that is not a crime, but rather trying to give justice.

Second Paragraph:

I believe that happens because people do not realize how big a deal the alerts are to the starters of the thread. We end up going offtrack because if it is a big topic (like JK, Theory11, etc) we tend to actually keep off topic sometimes because of the length of the whole discussion. That, and the fact that there are new people to the forums (mostly defenders for that specific thread) that try to defend and end up going off topic as well. There is an easy fix for that; we require someone to simply tell them to stay on topic.

Third Paragraph:

There is absolutely nothing that I wish to debate with you about that. That is correct, but we, as the moderators, should not be too harsh as to tell the "offenders" that their big mouth is starting to go... even bigger.

The Classic Pass Contest:

Well, the Classic Pass in essence is a great idea. People do have a problem with other people like Mark and you not participating. They feel bad because of the fact that the more renowned people of the forums are not taking part in a contest that was meant for everybody. This may be a feeling the participants get about "social class". Though this is not true, they may feel that the higher ups do not need to participate because "obviously, they have a better Pass than us already, why do they need to participate?!" I am not trying to say that this in anyway is you, but that may be what people are thinking about.

To conclude, all this was only my opinion. If anyone somehow was offended by this, as usual, be sure to speak up. I do not want anyone to get offended or hurt because of my words. Respond to Albert's thread guys, it is a great chance to voice your opinion, and everyone would love to hear it!

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