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Mark 11-14-2011 09:11 PM

Jorden Hamilton (WTFBlackMagic) Exposed
Don't ask me what is happening to YouTube Land but some people are definitely ruining it.

Hereby Jorden Hamilton, better known as WTFBlackMagic.

Jorden thought it was fun to make the so called "WORLDS BIGGEST CONTEST", and the biggest prizes including but not limited to "JERRY'S NUGGETS" are, as always with fake contests, based on luck entirely (and for the rest he apparently has a sponsor). However, this time the contest may actually not be fake (doubt it though), but that doesn't matter because the main prize definitely is.

Hereby the contest video:

A couple of days ago he actually made a review on his so called "Authentic Jerry's Nuggets", one of which will be given away in the contest:

Now that, people, is what we call fake Jerry's. The printing on the box is way off (the letters are too small, the design alignment is way off-center), the seal is fake, the cards sound and behave nothing like actual Jerry's, oh wait, no need to list those things because... there are gaff cards involved and there is no such thing as authentic Jerry's Nugget gaffs). Yet, he says they are the real deal and he happens to give away a deck valued 200-300 dollars in the contest.

To me it's obvious he expects the winner of the luck contest (if it's even a real winner) to choose for the Jerry's instead of the Arcanes, and probably if they choose for the Arcanes he will make them vanish into thin air, which he apparently has done before because someone says to not have received their deck of a previous contest/giveaway of his, and I have a feeling the person who said that is actually talking the truth... gee... I wonder why...

Of course we won't allow this kind of twisted manipulation.

KGaborMagic 11-14-2011 09:27 PM

One of the rules is very funny:

Originally Posted by WTFBlackMagic
-For 2 entries you must Subscribe to me, Like and favourite the video and subscribe to vjose32 and write on his channel that i sent you there

Spamming somebody like this on Youtube is illegal.


Originally Posted by WTFBlackMagic
-For addtional entries buy products from Pokerstud52 on ebay and foe every dollar you spend you will get a entry in to the contest, you must and i repeat must tell him i sent you to his store

I guess he just tries to advertise his (or one of his friend's) cards on Ebay.:mad:

Mark 11-14-2011 09:32 PM

He actually makes sure the sponsor gets something for it too, even if it is a fake contest. This way the sponsor may actually support him no matter what because they both get profit, and the kind of profit they actually want. But I guess I can assure you that Pokerstud52 isn't in on this nor that he would agree with such actions though.

But yeah, it's just a popularity stunt, as always. Some people should be really, really ashamed of themselves, and especially those who do not feel and say that they are sorry.

I actually made sure to comment the following to the contest video:

Originally Posted by MarkHilkemeijer
I would hereby like to tell you that there is an exposure thread about this on Magicians: The Gathering (magicians dot cc). Feel free to sign up to back up yourself and best of luck with that because you will not be able to.

Best is just to stop this nonsense before it's too late and to apologize to whoever you have tricked into this contest and into thinking you give away (or even own) legit Jerry's Nugget cards. Just saying.


And of course he deleted it, and really fast too.

Also, he already made sure to make himself a fake channel called 'TehRobertHD'. He uses it to back himself up, saying it are real Jerry's Nuggets and that it's a real contest, etcetera.

MeandmagiC 11-14-2011 09:51 PM

lets introduce a new word here: failrabbit xD
because we discovered him :) (I hope a lot of people do actually)

ok let's be serious right here.
What will he be gaining with this? In the end he will be discovered or somebody will spread the word and then, KABOOM, all his popularity will be gone!
I believe he shouldn't get away with this!

Mark 11-14-2011 09:57 PM

He hopes to be gaining fame, but obviously it will work counterproductive. If we have to, we are going to link up this thread to whoever is involved. ^_^

MeandmagiC 11-14-2011 10:08 PM

Lets do that!

thetophatfirm 11-14-2011 11:33 PM


DUDE!!!! that is awesome.

I am sorry, but I am going to use that now for people trying to be clever.

KGaborMagic 11-15-2011 01:22 PM

He deleted my comment as well (and lots of other comments saying that his contest is fake).
I guess now it's obvious that it is.

MysteryHand 11-15-2011 01:30 PM

What i can say this man is so f***ed !!! I really hates many guy like this. Lie people, make them not happy !!!

BenjiTaylor 11-15-2011 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mark (Post 5451)
He hopes to be gaining fame, but obviously it will work counterproductive. If we have to, we are going to link up this thread to whoever is involved. ^_^

It may not be right for me to comment on this matter (based on the past), however I can tell you that once, I remember he filmed the results and I won (this was before my contests had even started) and he said that I had won loads, then he said his camera had broke so he could not ship the prizes, not that the 2 have anything to do with each other.

Albert 11-15-2011 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by BenjiTaylor (Post 5495)
It may not be right for me to comment on this matter (based on the past), however I can tell you that once, I remember he filmed the results and I won (this was before my contests had even started) and he said that I had won loads, then he said his camera had broke so he could not ship the prizes, not that the 2 have anything to do with each other.

It's completely fine for you to participate Benji :)

But, regardless, thanks. That further proves his guiltiness... :mad: I hate people like him! Arg! :devil:

NathanCanadas 11-16-2011 12:39 AM

Youtube magic is slowly dying!
I am really upset with all these fake contests! First TheMagicHelper123, then BenjiTaylor, then WTFBlackMagic as well as many others... :cry: I am really disappointed!:ugh: I think that if he doesn't admit this, we should spread the word, have people unsubscribe, and block him and mark him as spam as well. Best regards,

TheMisdirectingHand 11-16-2011 01:24 AM

You can help us spread the word! Don't be afraid to tell any of the newer contestants!

BenjiTaylor 11-16-2011 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by NathanCanadas (Post 5522)
I am really upset with all these fake contests! First TheMagicHelper123, then BenjiTaylor, then WTFBlackMagic as well as many others... :cry: I am really disappointed!:ugh: I think that if he doesn't admit this, we should spread the word, have people unsubscribe, and block him and mark him as spam as well. Best regards,

I completely regret the past, I can't change it but I can stop the past coming into the future and I did say sorry for 6 minutes.

Mark 11-16-2011 10:35 AM

Okay, things are getting a little weirder now. I now found this video on WTFBlackMagic's channel because he messaged me saying he was made to believe that those Jerry's Nugget decks were real:

How is it possible that back at the unboxing video the red/orange deck was fake and the blue one was said to be real, but in the review video and the PM he sent me he says both decks are authentic or that he was made to believe so?!? This is totally twisted.

For the record, that blue deck is exactly like the red one, and just as fake as well. Anyone who doesn't own the real deal could look up pictures or videos of the real Jerry's Nugget cards and the box, and could easily compare and see the ones Jorden got aren't real.

TheMisdirectingHand 11-16-2011 02:28 PM

Alright guys, it's finally time for an update of my own.

As we all know, WTFBlackMagic is holding fake YouTube contests with fake (or no) prizes at all. In addition to that, he is also a con-artist who makes ridiculous offers with fake cards. In my YouTube inbox, after Mark and Toine told me to inform half of the contestants, I received an interesting reply from one of them, here it is.


Originally Posted by YouTuber
thank you very much man.. first i want to sorry about my bad english because i'm italian, so sorry again. i want to tell you that I was going to do a deal with him: he wanted 12 decks of my arrcos plus a karnival dose and 2 dragon backs.. to exchange he wanted to give me a v4 and a real jerry's.. I said NOO :) because those are to many decks (15) to giveaway for only two stupid decks.. and than he said that for the shipping I must send him the stuff and when he receives it, than he will send me his decks.. so my NOO became a NOOOOOOOOOO :) because I thaught that he could be a lier. Definitely I'm happy because I did not make a deal with him.. and this thing that you told me is a confirm on the fact that he is not a good person.. soorry again for the bad english, I hope you understand.. and pleas answer me if you have read the whole message.. thx again


Is this not the intent of such a scam artist who wants to trade TWO decks (one that is supposedly worth hundreds of dollars), for 15 of them?

KGaborMagic 11-16-2011 03:51 PM

Did he really want to do this?:ninja: That's a lot of money those decks cost!
Okay, I start to inform the new contestants about this as well.

Johnny Silver 11-16-2011 11:11 PM

wow-for someone who just received a "real" Jerrys deck, he's not very excited,lol. I would have been freaking out. :thinking:

TommySteal 11-17-2011 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny Silver (Post 5575)
wow-for someone who just received a "real" Jerrys deck, he's not very excited,lol. I would have been freaking out. :thinking:

...he knows what's inside before opening, yet he still hacks away at it with that Rambo knife.

thetophatfirm 11-17-2011 05:59 PM

l:grin:l Tommy

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