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Mark 04-23-2011 10:36 PM

What do you believe?
A friend of mine currently is in a YouTube fight with someone who claims to be Christian and who makes magic tutorials because he lives by the words of God which are that liars (and thus magicians, so he thinks) should be exposed. Funny fact is that this guy uses quotes from the Bible which are contradicting his actions for they say the Lord is the only one to expose liars and frauds.

However, stories aside, it made me wonder: what do you believe? Do you believe in the Lord or a bigger and unknown force? Were you raised to believe but don't you anymore? Etc, etc.

I'll answer the question myself later.

Jordan 04-23-2011 11:13 PM

I'm someone who has to be given evidence before I start to believe something. And I just haven't seen enough evidence that there actually is a force much bigger than humans.
I wasn't raised to believe anything, which I believe is the right thing. Because once you're old enough to think for yourself you can choose for yourself. But if you're brought up believing something - it's like you've been brainwashed to believe that fact, to be blunt about it.
I don't care what other people believe - but if they rub their religion into your face; that's when I get rather annoyed. I know they're trying to be a good christian, muslim, bhuddist etc, but I can't help it.


Travmang 04-23-2011 11:18 PM

I was raised in a family where religion was nonexistent. I'm not religious at all, I do not believe in god. But thats not to say that god doesn't exist. I'm very open to everyone's religious views, and judging a person based on their beliefs, in my opinion, is not right. For people that live their lives for the lord, in their mind, their actions are justified(What I mean by this is, what some people think is rational, others may think its irrational.). A problem is formed when a person of different religious beliefs considers someone else's religious acts "crazy" or "insane." I hope that makes sense. I personally believe that I am in control of my own life. I choose to think that I control my own fate, with day to day decisions(both conscious and subconscious). However, if someone believes that their path has already been chosen for them, I can understand that. That is their own choice, and I respect that. I'm also not saying that religion is necessarily a choice, or that its like a light switch where its either 'on' or 'off,' but rather it be a free decision with endless views and choices. Anyways, I think I've gotten a bit off topic, and perhaps I delved a little too deep on the subject, but hopefully this paragraph makes sense and doesn't offend anyone, because I know religion can be a touchy subject for some.

And lastly, a smiley face to lighten up the mood a bit: :D

Edit: To mess with sentence structure and to clarify a few things as I don't want to come across as disrespectful.

la0o9 04-24-2011 01:02 AM

I personally am an atheist, my don't believe in the force that is "God", my family support the teachings of Buddhism, and i sometimes practice them as well, but i don't believe in a greater force than our own.

However, i believe myself to be quite gullible, saying that i believe everything you say isn't completely off the mark( if it sounds rational and the speaker have a tone of confidence, i'll believe it). I am both an Idealist and a realist, so even tho i view the world as is, i'm secretly hoping that magic actually exists

In short, i think religious beliefs are but nonsense( sorry if i offend anyone, but that's how i see it), but i still believe in a force humans can't explain.

Albert 04-24-2011 01:43 AM

I'm actually a born-again Christian myself and I believe in God. But to be completely honest, it really gets hard to believe in the bible itself.

What Mark's friend is encountering is what I call people who act like a church and is not really a true believer in God per say.

I accept everyone's views in their own respective rights, regardless of if the existence of a God is bullcrap or not. I just don't accept it when people start to spout nonsense and fixate their position as the correct position. We can't prove or disprove God at this moment 100%. I've found a lot of miracles happen in belief of Him and that's why I choose to believe in God. That's not to say that he doesn't exist; I don't know if He does for sure. I just want to believe He does.

Going back to the topic of Mark's friend, he really has no right to be forcing his belief on others. It's a choice. It will be great if people willfully accept the existence of a superior being due to them going through their own experiences. But that's all that is.

I believe there's a difference between a innocent lie and fraudulent or negligent lie. I don't know if the God I believe in accepts any lie or not at all, but I want to believe that innocent lies to improve the enjoyment of people and to make them smile, lies that will not hurt anyone at all, and lies that are done for the benefit of all are forgiven.

I think I've rambled on for quite a bit :D

But that's what I think.

TheMisdirectingHand 04-24-2011 04:03 AM

I'll be brief. Freedom of religion should be allowed, no matter where we come from. Magic is not related to religion at all; it's just an art. I believe in whatever happens next.

Mark 04-24-2011 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Albert (Post 1714)
Going back to the topic of Mark's friend, he really has no right to be forcing his belief on others. It's a choice. It will be great if people willfully accept the existence of a superior being due to them going through their own experiences. But that's all that is.

Hey now, my friend hasn't forced his belief on anyone. Or were you talking about the other guy because what he does is getting a lot closer to that, lol.

But yeah, I personally do believe in a bigger force unknown to mankind, and either the moment we people get to know about it or the moment we figured out the secret of life that comes along with it is the moment the world is coming to an end. The reason I believe this is because there still are too many things to question about our existence and I believe there is an answer to everything, yet I really doubt anyone would be able to handle an answer to all questions. Maybe the bigger force I mean is just the force that comes with that answer.

However, I personally think that this force isn't in control of much that happens, really. But I have witnessed some people achieving way more by actually believing in it so it can definitely be a support to those who need or want it. The only problems I have is when people either stuff their belief up anyone's throat, when they don't allow others to think differently or when they blame the force for whatever goes wrong.

I was raised as a Catholic because my nine year older sister wanted to be one at the age of seven so I didn't have much of a choice. I do understand my parents their decision though but when looking back at it I'd rather have had the same choice my sister had cause then I would've decided differently. However, I haven't practiced the religion all that much, especially not after I turned 11.

Apart from the force as described above, there is not much for me to believe but scientifically proven facts and things I witnessed for myself. I don't believe much of the stories within the Bible either, although the deeper meanings to it are and should be very valuable to everyone. It's just kind of funny to me that pretty much everything Jesus did or witnessed was already described by way older religions. To me, that's close to evidence that the stories and miracles are all just a figure of speech. Jesus probably wasn't much but a great talker for his time. That's just my take on it, please don't take it too serious if it offends you and I'm sorry if it does.

Sorry for the whole lot of text. :rolleyes:

TheMisdirectingHand 04-24-2011 04:53 PM

You have great logic, and I do not disagree with you at all.

Except one thing that I am curious about... what do you mean by this "bigger force unknown to mankind"? Everything we do affects the outcome of how we live. When we wake up in the morning, we can decide to go to school, or not go to school. Once we make that choice, there are branches and branches of outcomes that can happen in the form of a map. I don't think this greater force could affect it...

Mark 04-24-2011 05:05 PM

Like I said, I don't believe that this bigger force is actually in control of anything. I think it's just the reason for the universe's and our existance with whatever kind of creatures live in it. That is, not just on planet earth. I find it impossible to believe that our little planet has the only living creatures in such an insanely huge universe. :)

Albert 04-24-2011 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mark (Post 1716)
Hey now, my friend hasn't forced his belief on anyone. Or were you talking about the other guy because what he does is getting a lot closer to that, lol.

I should have clarified; I meant the guy harassing your friend about it :)

Kevo 04-25-2011 01:12 PM

I strongly believe in God but I'm not forcing my religion to anyone.Everyone has the right to choose his own path, his own religion or just not to have one.By the way I've never seen this guy with the tutorials(never heard of him neither).If I see him somewhere in YouTube I would like to convice him to stop.

Mark 04-25-2011 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Kevo (Post 1730)
I strongly believe in God but I'm not forcing my religion to anyone.Everyone has the right to choose his own path, his own religion or just not to have one.By the way I've never seen this guy with the tutorials(never heard of him neither).If I see him somewhere in YouTube I would like to convice him to stop.

Just curious, but what do you think of the Bible? I allow whoever to believe whatever they want so it's okay. ^_^

Kevo 04-26-2011 01:06 PM

What I think of it?Well actually I have read only the New Testament, not the whole Bible.For me the Bible is not just a book that you can read and understand like you are reading a comic book for example.You need to read it multiple times to get what is in there and try to understand it, not just using some quotes from it, that even you don't understand and claim that you are right for something(like that tutorial guy).

The Bible teached me a lot of things in various ways, lets say how to behave with people, to be tollerant, to help someone who needs help, etc.The Bible also teached me my main moral and ethics (my parrents teached them to me too lol).For me every right choice is in the Bible.

Too bad that there are people out there who claim that they are religious, but they aren't.Sometimes these people use the Bible and the religion for their own porpoises(such as donating your house to them in the name of God, getting all your money, etc.) which makes me feel bad.I feel like this guy(tutorial man) is the same, never seen him, but still I have such a feeling.

So thas quite all I think about the Bible.

la0o9 04-26-2011 04:31 PM

Frankly, i think the Bible is a book that utilizes the art of cold reading at it's earliest stage and took hundreds of years to come up with, i admire the art used, but i don't particularly like what was written.

Mark 04-26-2011 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by la0o9 (Post 1745)
Frankly, i think the Bible is a book that utilizes the art of cold reading at it's earliest stage and took hundreds of years to come up with, i admire the art used, but i don't particularly like what was written.

Errr.. could you please elaborate? I don't really get the cold reading in it. :thinking:

And let's be honest, living by the book isn't all that bad because the rules are quite ordinary in current societies. The only thing is that I'm pretty sure there is not a single person who truly lives or lived by the book.

Albert 04-26-2011 08:15 PM

From what I've learned, especially the old testament, it isn't really to be taken in literally for every single event that happened. I remember someone telling me that what's more important in the bible than the actual small details are the lessons you can learn from it, which I believe is very important.

la0o9 04-27-2011 12:20 AM

you know what cold reading is don't you Mark? they are general lines that is used to seemingly predict the future but are actually correct for everyone, imo, the Bible is full of those lines, but instead of talking about a person, they talk about a period of time and they talk about basic... philosophies, i could be wrong, but that's my impression of the Bible

s13zeTheDay 04-27-2011 12:32 AM

In my opinion the bible is a great work of literature. It took many real stories and documented them. Though many stories have been found to have been exaggerated, it is based in truth (e.g. historians believe that when moses "parted the red sea" he led his people through a shallow during low tide and the egyptian chariots got stuck because of the mud and they had to give up the chase). I don't really think that the bible is as much cold reading as it is teaching lessons.

Mark 04-27-2011 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by la0o9 (Post 1750)
you know what cold reading is don't you Mark? they are general lines that is used to seemingly predict the future but are actually correct for everyone, imo, the Bible is full of those lines, but instead of talking about a person, they talk about a period of time and they talk about basic... philosophies, i could be wrong, but that's my impression of the Bible

I know what cold reading is and I can do it myself too, but predicting the future is definitely not a part of it. ;) Cold reading is that without any knowledge about anyone or anything you say personal things about them. They usually aren't the same for everyone but you are indeed searching within the average, at least before you could take bigger risks.

But yeah, prophecies have nothing to do with cold reading, it's just logic and probability. For instance, I can now predict that there will be a third World War and sometime in the future I will be right. If not, the world came to an end too soon.

la0o9 04-27-2011 04:41 PM

lol, i messed up, it was quite early in the morning so instead of " seemingly read you mind" in my head i typed "seemingly predict the future"( English is my second language, so things sometimes gets tangled up in my head). It's just like that time i mistook a double face card for a double back card in my head( cost me an HOUR arguing back and forth with a friend before i realized i mistook them for the other one)

Noodles 04-28-2011 12:49 AM

My parents sent me to church when I was younger so that I would be a "good kid". They don't believe in any god or anything. I'm between agnostic and atheist. Science tells me the big bang happened, but no one really knows what created the universe. So until Jesus descends from heaven... George Carlin is my god.

Ichigo 04-28-2011 06:44 PM

Have only read the first post:

In short: I believe in God, and Jesus as His only son, who came to this earth to live with no sin, then to die for all of our sins and leave our sins in death, so we may live. Then he rose again to live.

I am also a conspiracy theorist. I believe in a massive global conspiracy... I get laughed at a lot for this, but no one has proven anything that would disprove the evidence I have for this. I could explain all of that in depth, but right now I'm only giving a brief explanation of what I believe.

Kevo 04-28-2011 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Ichigo (Post 1777)
Have only read the first post:

In short: I believe in God, and Jesus as His only son, who came to this earth to live with no sin, then to die for all of our sins and leave our sins in death, so we may live. Then he rose again to live.

I am also a conspiracy theorist. I believe in a massive global conspiracy... I get laughed at a lot for this, but no one has proven anything that would disprove the evidence I have for this. I could explain all of that in depth, but right now I'm only giving a brief explanation of what I believe.

Illuminati right?

Kieran Oloughlin 04-30-2011 04:56 AM

I belive that no point to life but to live and I belive there is no God, thats it summed up.

---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

I mean no disrepsect to people who do belive in god by the way

Fin 06-06-2011 09:48 PM

Explain more please Ichigo..

I'd love to hear about your conspiracy theories since I myself, believe it or not, have had not one but 3 very "close encounters" with ufo's. Now I'm not saying I believe in aliens, but the craft I saw were so bizarre, yet so close I could nearly touch them. So UFO's are real, despite whatever the government may tell us. They may not be alien but they are very real, bizarre things, and the government does NOT want to discuss them. That much I can tell you from personal experience. And there were several other people in my town who saw these things on the same night as me, hovering over their house in one case! So it was essentially a mass-sighting, making it harder to just brush me off as a drunk or an overly imaginative person. The government does cover things up. It does keep secrets. We all know that. The question is how far do you think they would go.

Since my experience I have become ALOT more open minded. I was skeptical about religion before, and I still am a bit (it has caused alot of wars!), however I do think there is something much bigger than us going on and I wouldn't be at all surprised if one day science discovered something that roughly resembles "god".

Des 07-08-2012 05:47 PM

I believe that there is no higher power, but just power, and that this power is almost... recycled through the universe. You through the form of energy, or life, and things like that. Kind of like the principle of karma, but different. It sounds kind of crazy, but that's how I see it.
It's funny, because I was raised to be rigidly Catholic, but now I believe religion itself doesn't make sense.

The_Logical_Magician 07-08-2012 07:53 PM

I have a more intricate and new view on religion.

First of all let me say that I am profoundly christian and strongly believe in the Lord. I was born in a christian family but apart from being baptised, I never participated in church ceremonies. I did however celebrate Christmas, Easter and so on.

But my passion for my religion only appeared about a year and a half ago when I discovered christian metalcore. I started listening to christian music from bands like For Today, August Burns Red, Oh Sleeper and that got me going on a sort of new type of christianity.

See, as profoundly as I believe in God, I hate religion. And that's a pretty recurrent principle in christian metal. It's that christianity isn't about following religion, about reading the Bible (so there's my view of the Bible), about going to church and donating and so on, it's about having a RELATIONSHIP with our Lord.

So, I obviously know the "story" as you could call it talked about in the New Testament, and about quite a few elements from the Old Testament, but my view of God is of a Governor of the world, promising justice, redemption, redeeming the good-natured and leading evil to grief. I also highly esteem the "shepherd and sheep scene", that is the Lord breaking through to the callous, and finally of a continuous battle between The Lord (and his followers) and Satan (and his followers).

This last phrase might make you think that I associate all to either God or Satan but that's not the case, and don't worry about Satan's followers, I'm not necessarily talking about people but of sins (of lust and hate and jealosy that poison society).

So yeah, there's my view of christianity (not religion;)).
Could've elaborated way more but this is a magic site after all.

Mark 07-08-2012 11:38 PM

Great post and elaboration!

It actually made me think of the following:

Pig 07-09-2012 05:31 AM

I was raised to believe, but not anymore. I refuse this system and the likes.
Magic is an art not to be exposed. It's like a play which we don't give out spoilers.
Hmmm I want to say something metaphorically but I can't convey it.
Some other type of entertainment use the form of illusion/lies such as actors and actress alike.
I guess he is just using this almighty one as an excuse, I got nothing against God any which one of them for their religion teaches nothing but good, but another thing for the people and their practice.

I hope you guys get what I mean...

and here's a song:

TommySteal 07-09-2012 03:07 PM

He angry!

TommySteal 07-10-2012 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by KGaborMagic (Post 7625)

No man, the dude in the video lol

KGaborMagic 07-10-2012 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by TommySteal (Post 7627)
No man, the dude in the video lol

Ah, he definiately angry!:p

ouncesmusic 07-10-2012 07:51 PM

The problem, what I believe, of so many people loosing faith of some sort could be explained by this quote, "When someone is thirsty, give them half a cup of water. If they remain thirsty, quench their thirst with the remaining half."

Now of course, this will tie in very well.

Unfortunately, many people nowadays march the streets claiming to be enlightened because of something they read or saw that gave a glimpse into some unknown knowledge.

Life is complicated already as it is, and with misleading information or misinterpreted information, finding faith in yourself can be much difficult.

When one is working hard to be good, evil is working just as hard against them.

What I've learned on my own as well as what I have been taught, is to be kind to all, even your "enemies", and nothing of this world created by man is worthy of worship. I'm just trying to live my life by this and lead others if they seek the same by proper example.

I do believe the teachings and parables of Jesus to be an unquestionable source of truth as I reflect on my life with these lessons. And as I search for answers to life, a strong sense of humility comes over me and joy and urge to seek forgiveness when I receive these answers (I don't always find these answer right away). I've done nothing wrong in a sense of crime and law of this world, but if the examples of Jesus' life and what he overcame and shared with others portrays the definition of what we are capable of, than that's something I cannot argue against and want to be a part of.

....I guess... it's love. Compassion. You just get that feeling and "no one" can tell you other wise.

Compassion for all I meet is how I try to live and that's the small amount I fill the cup with to share with others.

thetophatfirm 07-11-2012 06:53 AM

One thing I like to tell my friends is that enlightenment is an illusion. The text itself is a symbol that forces one to generate differences and comparisons, which are human, so they are lacking. Enlightenment does not exist because we are human.

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