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Mark 04-18-2011 06:05 PM

I'm going to make a movie!
I wanted to make a movie for a very long time.. and now the time has finally been there that I thought of a great storyline worth turning into one! The only question is when I have enough time to work it out. ^_^

I can't tell you much about it but it's not really magic-related, although it comes close in a way. :angel:

Albert 04-18-2011 08:16 PM

Ohhhh that would be awesome to see. Are you going to be acting too or just directing?

TheMisdirectingHand 04-18-2011 11:46 PM

I still think the idea with the train was okay.

la0o9 04-19-2011 12:48 AM

Can't wait for Mark's movie/video to come out, wonder what topic it is...

Kieran Oloughlin 04-19-2011 07:36 AM

Will it be a short movie uploaded to youtube or a long movie that you see somwhere else? Will it have any magic in it also is this what you have been studying at uni?

Mark 04-19-2011 08:16 AM

It will be a long movie uploaded to YouTube. There will be the slightest bit of magic in it, but it's not the focus at all as said in the main post. I may be acting a little but probably I'll just be directing. ;)

And no, I haven't been studying this at the university. I did however follow a film making course some years ago but it's not that I learnt a lot at it. :(

TheMisdirectingHand 04-20-2011 01:52 AM

So will we see Mark dodging bullets? :)

Albert 04-20-2011 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by TheMisdirectingHand (Post 1680)
So will we see Mark dodging bullets? :)

Ditto! :D

Kieran Oloughlin 04-20-2011 03:57 AM


la0o9 04-20-2011 04:09 AM

That means "same here" i think

Kieran Oloughlin 04-20-2011 06:38 AM

that would make sense

---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ----------

I want to see mark as a vampire macigian how goes around and drinks the blood of migians how have done magic wrong such as revelers.

Mark 04-20-2011 11:36 AM

I have actually been asked by friends what a movie with me would be like, but I just can't think of a decent script for that so I rather make a movie with a character I feel somewhat related to. You could actually see the main character as me, yet he's an expert in another field, going another road. ;)

TheMisdirectingHand 04-20-2011 03:13 PM

Strangely... the only name that comes to mind right now would be... "Morpheus"...

Mark 04-21-2011 11:27 AM

Actually, I just had a great idea for a magic/DarkSleightZ-related movie, although it may be a bit too much of a cliché. Fact is that it won't ever be as good as my all-time favorite, 'The Prestige'. But yeah, maybe I should make two movies. :p

TheMisdirectingHand 04-21-2011 02:45 PM

How small is your budget?

la0o9 04-21-2011 04:42 PM

hmmm, "The Prestige", still love it, takes deception to a whole new level( the fact that they manage to hide the secret while they grow up is kinda scary)

s13zeTheDay 04-25-2011 03:51 AM

the prestige was really good but reeeeeeeeeeally weird.

Alexander 07-22-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by s13zeTheDay (Post 1724)
the prestige was really good but reeeeeeeeeeally weird.

Why so? Do you mean because of the beginning and the ending? If so essentially it was a cool movie twist, man :D

Fin 07-23-2011 04:47 AM

I found that the "twist" didn't quite fit with the rest of the movie, it was like I thought we were in "basic realistic fiction" land for most of the film and I was quite happy; and then suddenly we went into "x-files meets Frankenstein" land and I was thinking "just what is this film?" and it threw me for a loop in all the wrong ways. Basically, the twist felt a bit too bizarre for the atmosphere and set-up before it. But I thought many parts of the film were great. Maybe I was in the wrong mood :S

Mark 07-23-2011 11:49 AM

That's quite an overreaction, Fin. 'The Prestige' is so amazingly well thought out. However, a little bit of your reaction makes sense because the makers had the purpose of leaving the viewers with the thought "I really have to see this movie again now".

It's a bit like 'Hoodwinked (1)' (a really ingenious animation), a puzzle that comes together in the end. I doubt that there could've been a better end to 'The Prestige'.

TommySteal 07-27-2011 04:24 PM

Very dark film the Prestige - probably why I enjoyed it.

Mark 07-30-2011 03:49 PM

Okay, I think I have to ask you all for a favor. I got some amazing ideas for some scenes, but I can't think of a good, original/non-cliché storyline and plot yet. That is, for the movie I'd like to make first (because I got a great idea for another movie, the one I started this thread with, but that one is very difficult to work out).

The movie will be overall serious and leans towards the action genre as for the couple of scenes I worked out. If you can think of a storyline and a plot that are magic-related (but not in a science-fiction way) and which includes hecklers and haters who hate towards one magician or maybe a small group of them (think of it as DarkSleightZ), please send me a message telling me about it!

Thank you! And of course you will get your well deserved credits if I use it! ^_^

PS: Please keep in mind that this is for a big movie of approximately 90 minutes. It really has to go somewhere.

Kieran Oloughlin 07-31-2011 02:25 AM

oh wow... I like that idea, but I am un creative so yeah...

Mark 08-12-2011 05:13 PM

I need your guys' help again, this time not for a story (got enough for that already) but I want to collect story twists to see if I can include any of those. Movies like The Illusionist and The Prestige and TV series like Hustle would be good examples as for the kind of story twists I'm looking for.

If you can PM me some unique twists of any kind, please do so. Two restrictions: no twist based on death/resurrections and no twist based on doubles (like two of the same person or something like that). Preferably something magic-related but that's not a must.

It can be as simple as "The object that was stolen, happens to be a fake." or "There happens to be two of the same person.". Just to give some examples, because it doesn't take not of the restrictions. Of course, it can be longer than those too.


twiztedking 09-16-2011 10:56 PM

maybe you could do a movie where a magicians on stage he does a disappearing act and then he doesn't reappear and they go all over the world trying to find him (meeting other magicians on the way

la0o9 09-17-2011 12:22 AM

no offense fin, but that sounds like a hard plot to execute... if done right it would be a fairly normal film, if done wrong, it would be the most boring thing in the world...

Rokk 09-18-2011 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by twiztedking (Post 4094)
maybe you could do a movie where a magicians on stage he does a disappearing act and then he doesn't reappear and they go all over the world trying to find him (meeting other magicians on the way

Haha! A mentalist here in sweden actually did that on live tv! He did that trick where he sat on chair with a blanket over him in a death-trap. Then the trap was released and... He was just gone! And the presenters and everyone had no idea what to do. But he reappeared again a few days later though...
It wasn't very good entertainment though, but I think the mentalist had a lot of fun! :)

schugunwinta 11-04-2011 11:41 PM

Very exicted

Mark 11-04-2011 11:47 PM

Funny that you boosted this thread again, because I just wanted to post an update about that things are going to be a little different.

We will actually be making a short movie before the big one we had in mind in this thread. That's all I can say. Some of you already know what it will be like but I won't post about that in public.

Good thing is that although it will still take quite some time to make it, you won't have to wait as long as with the big movie. ^_^

ouncesmusic 11-20-2011 05:34 PM

I'd like to help with any ideas if I can.

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