Magicians: The Gathering

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Kieran Oloughlin 05-27-2011 09:21 AM

What are your other hobbies?
What are your other hobbies?
Well that sums it up.
My other hobbies are guitar which Ive been playing for two years onto my third, quite enjoyable jamming out when I am in the mood
and Judo, a martial art and sport, no kicks/punches just flips and throws (damn they hurt:p:cry:) and arm locks and strangles. I am a grren belt the first belt of what is considered to be a high belt and have been doing it for 3 years onto my fourth.

I used to juggle:(. But I slowly lost intrest in it, I used to juggle 30-60 mins a day after I got home from school. I eventually found practice boring and felt like I was going nowhere! I made one last effort to get back into it but I failed.:( I just dont enjoy it anymore.

So yeah what are your other hobbies and how long have you been doing it for

la0o9 05-27-2011 11:20 AM

well, my other hobbies doesn't fall that far from the magic world, i enjoy pen spinning and dice stacking, because they keep me occupied for a long time( i hate being free without having something to do, "boredom kills me", i might say).

Aside from those, i enjoy reading manga( japanese comics) and discuss them with friends, i also like to write short fantasy stories that pop up in my mind from time to time( heh, i have like 3 good storylines that i like that i haven't seen published before, but my skills are just too horrible to make them appealing to others)

Contrary to most boys my age( High school sophomore), i actually hate playing computer games for some reason...

MarkoViner 05-27-2011 01:07 PM

I really don't have no other hobbies then card magic. Because I'm a student all I do is read books and do card magic.

TheMisdirectingHand 05-27-2011 02:43 PM

I am a hardcore gamer.

TommySteal 05-27-2011 02:50 PM

When I'm in the mood I like to draw and paint - but to stress, I must be in the right mood because I believe that to create something worthy of merit takes a lot of patience and concentration which are two things I very often lack. I once sold a portrait to a friend for £70 - something still to this day I'm quite proud of. Currently I'm working in an A6 size book sketching mini portraits of famous inventors/scientists. Next in line is Nikola Tesla.
I also love cooking and building stuff out of wood - though I am certainly no carpenter.

la0o9 05-27-2011 03:02 PM

hmmm, i think a nicely drawn painting of a magician that have just finished with a sandwich routine would be appealing to magicians( suddenly that old painting with the dogs playing card pops on my head)

Jordan 05-27-2011 04:51 PM

Other hobbies..
Archery, been doing that for about 3 years now - achieved 4 internationally recognised awards in the sport.
Gaming, I love it - also trying to get my own game review show made and onto TV.
Don't have a lot of time to do either really, what with it being exam period and I'm doing A Levels.

TheMisdirectingHand 05-27-2011 11:29 PM


What games are you into? =)

Jordan 05-28-2011 01:33 PM

All sorts really.
I'll play the game, and if I like it - I'll play it :P
Most games I play are RPGs though, WoW, Final Fantasy, DMC ect; but on occasion I'll play beat 'em ups like Tekken and MK :)

Travmang 05-28-2011 08:56 PM

I just recently got back into WoW, so I guess that would be my main hobby besides magic!

Jordan 05-29-2011 12:04 PM

Trav, what realm are you on? :P

Travmang 05-29-2011 06:56 PM


Jordan 05-29-2011 07:13 PM

Get on Hellfire and join my guild! :P

Travmang 05-29-2011 09:39 PM

I've been playing with my friends for 2 years now I can't leave them!!

TheMisdirectingHand 05-30-2011 01:27 AM

Anyone into shooters? Hahaha

Albert 05-30-2011 03:20 AM

My hobbies are:
1) Games - not so much anymore. I do occasionally play a little bit of CoD MW2 from time to time if I'm really bored.
2) Watching random YouTube videos xD
3) Doing random research when something pops up in my head. Example: After you eat, on average, what percentage of food leaves the body as waste? Weird? I know. :D
4) Listening to Music and Chill-laxing. Good moments~
5) Read manga too! :D

TheMisdirectingHand 05-30-2011 03:38 AM

Whatttt?!?!?! Albert ISN'T a gamer?! (Stereotypes are the win)

la0o9 05-30-2011 03:57 AM

what? you mean the "everyone who wear glasses is a gamer" stereotype?( well, you haven't seen my face so you can't know, but i also wear glasses and i don't play games either).

TheMisdirectingHand 05-30-2011 05:46 AM

The Korean Stereotype. =)

Kieran Oloughlin 05-30-2011 08:42 AM

I love alberst third hobby it is really wierd. I used to game but not much anyomre might play a bit of ds here and there or a bit of minecraft but not as much as I used to.

la0o9 05-30-2011 09:30 AM

Is it? i thought curiosity is a good thing? i do that when i'm bored as well...

Kieran Oloughlin 05-30-2011 09:32 AM

Well I think it is a bit wierd but there is nothing wrong with doing that. Curoisty generally is a good thing isnt it? Its what got me inot magic

Albert 05-30-2011 05:46 PM

Haha my friends (non-Korean) plays StarCraft II and I don't, so they are like "You are defying your Korean blood! Play SC II NOWWWWWWWWWWWW" xD

TheMisdirectingHand 05-30-2011 06:22 PM


Albert 05-30-2011 07:00 PM

But... but... I want to catch'em all! :cry:

Jordan 05-30-2011 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Albert (Post 2231)
But... but... I want to catch'em all! :cry:

I wanna be the very best...

TheMisdirectingHand 05-30-2011 08:49 PM

.... that no one ever was...

Jordan 05-30-2011 09:24 PM catch them is my real test...

TheMisdirectingHand 05-30-2011 10:14 PM


la0o9 05-31-2011 01:57 AM

more pokemon references... lol

TheMisdirectingHand 05-31-2011 02:30 AM

It's always Pokemon when it comes to Albert!

Albert 05-31-2011 03:47 AM

... I will travel across the land *doo doo do* searching far and wiiiiiiiiiiide~~~

P.S. Pokemon is da bomb :)

Kieran Oloughlin 05-31-2011 08:53 AM

"Each Pokemon to understand, the powers that's inside"

Fin 06-06-2011 10:00 PM

I love a bit of gaming every now and then.. Battlefield Bad Company 2 most recently. And loads of retro games, like Wizardry 8, Baldurs Gate, Partician 3, UFO enemy unknown, etc.

I also like writing music, although I haven't done any for over a year. Mainly techno/chillout. My hurricane video features one of my tracks:

I used to love doing a bit of abstract oil painting and photo art in photoshop but again, not for over a year..

TheMisdirectingHand 06-06-2011 11:28 PM

Bad Company 2?! Let's play!

Fin 06-06-2011 11:49 PM

lol Well I would but its card magic all week for me. Gotta perfect the Shadow Bertram ;)

Kieran Oloughlin 06-08-2011 08:06 AM

I really like that pic fin. I am a terible art maker.

Does anyone else here play an instruemnt. If so what and for how long?

TheMisdirectingHand 06-08-2011 02:46 PM

Magic is important.

... but then again... I would not mind playing some time... :S

Kieran Oloughlin 06-09-2011 06:04 AM

Hey albert!
Do you actually play pokemon?

Mark 06-09-2011 11:17 AM

Yup, Albert sure does. :)

My other hobbies other than magic: music (in the broadest meaning of the word), HTML/CSS webdesign, creating performance acts, YouTube and hunting down possibly upcoming viral videos.

As for instruments, I've been playing the piano for my whole life (my first official private lesson was when I was 4). I also play a bit of guitar, violin, accordion, cajón and Irish flute. ^_^

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