Magicians: The Gathering

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MarkoViner 07-26-2011 11:37 PM

Manuscript : The Gathering Volume 1!!
Hey co-forumers! I've had this idea of creating an e-book full of original tricks and ideas of different magicians who are registered here @ Magicians: The Gathering.

I have talked about this idea with Fin and Mark and they dig it. Getting the support I needed, I'm going to start this project.

The idea is to make multiple volumes with 10 different tricks/sleights each, by various artists like Fin, Mark, myself and others (Albert?). The idea is to finish the first volume by the end of this summer.

Now this is not a hype thread, it is actually a call out for help. I need all the artists who have original tricks to contact me @ markoviner[at] and send me the effect and explanation, or whoever thinks he can contribute to this project.

Best regards, Marko Viner

la0o9 07-27-2011 12:02 AM

hmmmm, will 2 videos be alright? or do i have to send 2 worded descriptions?( one of the trick and one of the method).

Albert 07-27-2011 12:13 AM

Awesome, I'm in. I have lots of tricks i want to share that i didn't have the time to post up. How do you want it? Written with pictures and video performances?

Kelan 07-27-2011 12:20 AM

Fantastic Idea! I have a few Ideas that I would love to share :)

Mark 07-27-2011 12:36 AM

You can send in either videos or text. Videos are much easier to translate into text with images though, so I can tell Marko prefers those.

Albert 07-27-2011 12:46 AM

So what will we do with the manuscript? Publish it?

Mark 07-27-2011 12:50 AM

Ah yeah, it will probably be like $2.50 for members (free for any of those who had their effect published in it) and $3.50 for outsiders. For 10 effects that's no money, as is usually the case with us, isn't it? ;)

Marko, being the one who had this idea, the main editor and the person putting most of the time in this, will get the money.. which means he will finally be able to buy our effects as Serbia still doesn't have PayPal or any other system he could possibly pay us with. :)

MarkoViner 07-27-2011 12:51 AM

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that, yes the manuscript will be published, and released as a DarkSleight product. That's all I know. I am the editor and designer, so you can ask me about that, other than that, ask Mark :D

EDIT : Mark was faster :D
EDIT 2 : Thanks Mark for correcting me :)

Mark 07-27-2011 12:54 AM

Nah-ah, it won't be a DSZ product, but it will be a MTG product though, hence the name Manuscript: The Gathering. :rolleyes:;)

Albert 07-27-2011 01:03 AM

I guess i should not put any tricks i have planned for DSZ then?

Travmang 07-27-2011 01:07 AM

Hmm I can submit my color change I've been working on for this!

Fin 07-27-2011 02:27 AM

Hmmm, my brain is already hurting from thinking too much after watching the news earlier. Gimme a chance to re-group and I'll see what I can come up with.. ;)

la0o9 07-27-2011 06:47 AM

will there be some sort of quality check? like if the effect is good enough or something? i think everyone will be up to this...
BTW, how many editions do you guys plan to have published?

Mark 07-27-2011 07:01 AM

Yesh, tricks will be filtered and such, especially when they aren't original enough or when they simply won't make sense and can't be tweaked.

It will be an unlimited release like every other MTG release. ^_^

Kieran Oloughlin 07-27-2011 07:14 AM

This sounds intresting, so basically we send in our tricks and if they are original enough and good enough they will be published in an ebook? Thats sounds good, would anyone be allowed to contriubte?If so I may in the future when I can start coming up with my own tricks more often.
Also would pictures be used to help with the explanations?

Mark 07-27-2011 07:23 AM

Indeed, everyone is allowed and there will be pictures (which will be shot in superqualty by Marko himself, or actually.. by the camera he uses ;)).

Kieran Oloughlin 07-27-2011 07:37 AM

Ok, but what about sleights used in tricks, I cretaed one that uses a sleight that is not very well known and is published and only a couple of places (I am not plannning on sending it in if this does take off) but what will happen if the tricks use un-original sleight?

Mark 07-27-2011 10:47 AM

If the trick itself is original, it wouldn't be a problem if credits are given. :)

MarkoViner 07-27-2011 04:24 PM

I am also noting, these tricks don't need to be just card tricks, it could be coin,balls,pen and all other sorts of magic. Thank you!

Alexander 07-27-2011 06:08 PM

I don't want to seem avid, but will the creators of the effects published in this manuscript actually earn money out of it, or will the whole amount of earned money go to Mark?

Mark 07-27-2011 06:50 PM

Well, that's the hard part. As for now, I think we will just have to agree not getting any cash but just getting credits instead. If you see the amount of work Marko has to do compared to those who created and submitted the tricks, there isn't much if any space to split the incomes between Marko and the others. In case there would be space though, if a lot are sold, I think we would use that to keep this website alive (cause it costs quite a bit too). :hm:

Albert 07-27-2011 07:35 PM

Are personal variations on existing tricks not welcomed for this manuscript? For example, my handling on the Chicago Opener is, in my opinion, an improved handling enough to catch magicians off guard for a moment.

MarkoViner 07-27-2011 10:04 PM

Sure! I approve :) All variations are welcomed :D

Albert 07-27-2011 11:29 PM

Hey Marko, would you be taking your own pictures to add in the manuscript or would the pictures be directly from the video? Just wondering because then I have to also take into consideration the quality of the vids.

Mark 07-27-2011 11:35 PM

He will take them himself. :)

MarkoViner 07-27-2011 11:37 PM

As Mark said, I am going ask a freind who studies photography to take the pictures. He has one of those uber quality cameras with 100 pixels xD

Mark 07-27-2011 11:38 PM

Make that 10 million pixels. :p

la0o9 07-27-2011 11:41 PM

i think, that the reward for magicians who contribute to the ebook is just the credit and the ebook itself when it comes out, we aren't pros( well, most of us aren't), so we shouldn't be getting money for such simple things i think.

MarkoViner 07-28-2011 12:57 AM

This is actually a great way to promote your self to the world. For all kind of artists! Oh and also I would like to finish this book by the end of AUGUST, I need to do first eliminations then I have to write the Book contents then the content itself then the pictures,then the spell check, so please hurry it is a lot of work! Hope you understand! :D I want this to turn out the way I planned it thats why I'm rushing you guys! :D

Mark 07-28-2011 07:26 AM

But please don't rush it too badly. Quality is the most important. ;)

Kieran Oloughlin 07-28-2011 07:50 AM

I will most likely buy the volumes that come out but contriute to them I am not so sure (hehe I'm a selfish magician)

TommySteal 07-28-2011 11:14 AM

I agree with la0o9 on this. It's certainly a nice idea, so to have your effect published and then be credited for it should be an honour in itself. If you think about it, there's no way you could recieve any cash at this early stage because this book is not exactly going to be a Best Seller. Mark's right: this site must cost some money to keep running - proceeds should go to that. This stuff is underground. We're not professionals, we are artists.

I would quite like to take part only I don't have any original effects. Oh well. Good luck Marko, I hope you end up with a nice looking product.

Jordan 07-29-2011 08:49 PM

Will sleights be in the manuscript as well? Cause if so I have a sleight that I think is original.

MarkoViner 07-29-2011 09:21 PM

Depends on what kind of sleight it is. Try to make a routine using that sleight,regards - Marko Viner

Jordan 07-29-2011 09:26 PM

It's a continuation from the Elmsley count. So you can do the elmsley, then do the count i came up with, then do the elmsley again.

Mark 07-29-2011 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Jordan (Post 2894)
It's a continuation from the Elmsley count. So you can do the elmsley, then do the count i came up with, then do the elmsley again.

Although that doesn't sound any original (I'm sorry), my main concern actually is.. why showing the cards 2, 3 or countless amounts of times without anything happening? :shy:

Jordan 07-29-2011 11:11 PM

So you can get point across, like you do the elmsley count, then the card you're hiding is on the bottom. You can do the other count to further prove that its either gone or turned itself over or whatever

la0o9 07-30-2011 12:25 AM

sorry but... it kinda seems redundant to do that... why go out of your way to prove something while they already believe it?If your Emsley can't already convince them, it would simply mean you need more practice or that they don't want to believe it.

Fin 07-30-2011 03:04 AM

I like the sound of a new false-count sleight to play with. I also agree with la0o9, that if you have already done a good elmsley count then you have effectively shown the spectator how many cards there are.. You don't need to do it again, since the spectators can count and won't need to count twice if the elmsley has been done well. If you push the point any more then they may well get suspicious and wonder why you keep having to prove how many there are.

Its a little like getting out your gaffed wallet and saying "here's my wallet, it's normal, and there's nothing to see here, look it has no secret flaps". Spectators don't know magic wallets exist.. so don't even mention the wallet just get on with loading the card into it magically! Similarly, if you've just counted with an elmsley, you've done your job and I see no need to do another count as an "added convincer".

Kieran Oloughlin 07-30-2011 07:51 AM

I think the false count idea sounds good, but try to come up with an effect to use it in.

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