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msly 06-15-2011 10:10 AM

What is Your Favourite Colour Change?
Hey Guys just WOndering what are Your favourite top Card colour Changes? :)

Kieran Oloughlin 06-15-2011 10:23 AM

Hello msly. ANd welcome (you should really make an introduction post)

I dont really like colour chnages. I dont practice that much nor perform them that much but My favourite colour change would be the plain simple shkae change. One where you shake the card and it changes. It fools laymen all the time and I enjoy is simplicty.

My favourtie change that I cannot do would probably be the rotar change

la0o9 06-15-2011 10:56 AM

my fav out of my arsenal would be the Zoso change, revamped( originally done by denkste144, where an extra Erdnase change concept was added) and remastered( done with 2 cards and no deck in hand), i like the concept and the applications i could use it for, so i love it a lot.

My fav out of every single change i know of( meaning both ones i can and can't do) would be the "Smooth" color change by Mark, i really hope i would be good enough to figure it out one day, i only got this much so far: it happens really quickly and it ends up in the middle or bottom of the deck( well, there ARE more, but no way am i gonna say it, that would be disrespectful). In fact, it is because the Zoso change makes the same thing happens as it does with the Smooth change that i like it.

Fin 06-15-2011 03:42 PM

No surprises on my choice at the moment. It has to be the "Hurricane" similar to the one in my youtube video but faster (like Mark's Erdnase video). When I get that perfected I think it'll be my regular colour change because there's no setup, the angles are very good and it looks great. My second choice is probably the "cardini" as done by Mark the other night in a webcam chat. It completely blew my mind. Sorry Mark I can't remember what you called it but it looks incredible. It seems like AS you lift the top card from the deck, it changes!

mtsmartins 06-15-2011 04:42 PM

Hum..I don't know exactly wich i like most, but the bertram shadow is beatiful, i'm practicing it '-'

Albert 06-15-2011 05:32 PM

I guess I really like the Erdnase Colour change, seeing that I use that so much. The classic Change is also one of my favourites. I really used to like the twirl change and used it a lot, but not so much anymore for some reason.

MarkoViner 06-15-2011 06:50 PM

I really don't have a favorite one the one I use the most is the "G-Force Change" by Eric Goldfarb. I love the idea it looks like your just weaving your hand over the deck and the card changes.

TheMisdirectingHand 06-15-2011 08:39 PM

I love the classics. Out of the ones I can perform, my favorites are the Cardini, and Erdnase Color Change. The concepts of the change show so much simplicity..

As for the changes I cannot perform... it HAS to be the Bertram Shadow and Smooth Color Change...

TommySteal 06-15-2011 11:40 PM

I don't often use colour changes but when I do I like to use a sort-of sideways erdnase change. I can also make the snap change look pretty good on camera, the one David Blaine performed for his interactive card effect on the very first street magic series.

Asad 06-18-2011 06:41 AM

Shapeshifter by far. It is extremely visual, creates a beautiful snapping sound, angle proof, easy to get into, ends clean. It really is the perfect color change in my opinion.

s13zeTheDay 06-21-2011 10:47 PM

I'd say the be kind change, because when done right it really looks as close as you can possibly get to a real color change

TheMisdirectingHand 06-22-2011 02:58 AM

The Be Kind change is my third go to change. It's not the "perfect" change mechanically, but visually, it is. The idea of "waving" your hand over a card to make it change is the practical idea of most laymen.

Fin 06-22-2011 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by TheMisdirectingHand (Post 2471)
The Be Kind change is my third go to change. It's not the "perfect" change mechanically, but visually, it is. The idea of "waving" your hand over a card to make it change is the practical idea of most laymen.

It does look awesome doesn't it :p

TheMisdirectingHand 06-22-2011 05:28 AM

I use it more than the Erdnase. =)

Kieran Oloughlin 06-22-2011 07:47 AM

I cant belive I didnt say this berfore my favourite change is defiantly the clipshift

Fin 06-22-2011 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Kieran Oloughlin (Post 2477)
I cant belive I didnt say this berfore my favourite change is defiantly the clipshift

What I love about the clipshift as a colour change is that it seems that much more magical and impossible when done well because it's (a) one-handed (b) the "change" happens openly without the hand covering the whole card (c) it is silent :eek:

Albert 06-22-2011 05:44 PM

You know what? I'll just stick to the Smooth. I don't know how to do it, but I don't care. It's ma' favourite and no one's going to steal it from me!!! Not even Mark! :mad:

Fin 06-22-2011 06:00 PM

lol Albert..

But yeah, of the ones I don't know Marks smooth360 has got to be the best.

TheMisdirectingHand 06-22-2011 06:39 PM

You won't believe how badly Albert just cracked me up...

la0o9 06-23-2011 06:41 AM

ok... but i'm gonna steal it, cause it's my fav too, and i ain't giving it up either.

CS is a good technique, but the change is only silent if you do it right, and the amount of people who do it right is quite little.

Fin 06-23-2011 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by la0o9 (Post 2496)
CS is a good technique, but the change is only silent if you do it right, and the amount of people who do it right is quite little.

They must be doing something very wrong. If anyone here wants some pointers drop me a pm. I've been practising it for 3 days and I've got it totally silent. Strangely, I'm finding the toughest part to be the replacement :eek:

la0o9 06-23-2011 04:13 PM

that's what's making your CS silent only after 3 days, if you have a hard time with the replacement, then you're doing something wrong( which BTW, is common for a beginner), and i have gone through this before myself( what exactly is hard about the replacement? after the actual shift, the card ends in an ideal position for the change with minimal finger movement), send me a video of you doing it the best you can, i will then help with what i can.

Kieran Oloughlin 06-24-2011 08:22 AM

Fin do you have surfaced? I could not do the clipshift until after two weeks of practcie and help from my other hand which I slowly removed until I was doing it one handed. If you are do something wrong watch the dvd HEAPS it took me heaps of views to really understand what I needed to do.

Fin 06-24-2011 03:27 PM

Thanks for the advice guys although I think I worked out what I was doing wrong. The problem I was having ,la0o9, was that on replacement the next card down was sliding off a little, exposing it at the edge. I have fixed this by working on my grip and by using a little less pressure. As is usually the case with these things I needed to relax a little. I just need to keep practising. I made alot more progress last night after a few more hours in front of the mirror. I now have everything except the speed and consistency, which I'm sure will come with time and more practise. Can't wait to get it perfected! I might still take you up on kind the offer of help thanks la0o9. Any tips from someone who's been doing this for a while are sure to be welcome :)

la0o9 06-25-2011 06:38 AM

i'll send a video of the tips ^^

7larz7 07-01-2011 07:52 AM

I invented a color change. I haven't mastered it yet. Check it out.

Travmang 07-01-2011 08:00 AM

I'm not some master magician or anything, but I'm not sure if that is possible with the lack of cover and the quickness of the change with no notable finger movements. Is it a normal deck or some sort of gimmicked deck? Because that just seems too fast, clean, and smooth for the lack of cover displayed. I mean no disrespect by this btw, just wondering.

Kieran Oloughlin 07-01-2011 08:13 AM

WOW! That snap change was awesome!

la0o9 07-01-2011 08:47 AM

ok... that was good... but i don't think you'd call that clean( not if you did what i think you did)

Travmang 07-01-2011 08:49 AM

Yeah that is exactly what i was thinking

Fin 07-01-2011 09:33 PM

lol. It isn't the snap change and it certainly isn't "clean"! But hell yeah; it's great if you're happy with a trick that can only be performed in a room on your own with a camera 6 inches from the deck.

Kieran Oloughlin 07-02-2011 08:56 AM

Am I missing something here? How do you guys know how it is done. I have a few suspicions and if they are right they cannot be perfromed live

TheMisdirectingHand 07-02-2011 09:13 AM

If the method to this change is what I think it is, there is no way this can be performed live.

Alexander 07-22-2011 12:45 PM

My favourite color change is actually replacing the bottom palmed card on the top of the deck while the deck is facing up (so essentially it ends up like a clipshift). Oh, and I also use my clipshift as a color change, it's great.

la0o9 07-22-2011 01:09 PM

a classic palm-slap color change huh? the one i like the second best of all the things i can do is the same thing but not done with a classic palm so we pretty much have the same taste

Alexander 07-22-2011 01:17 PM

Once the card is bottom palmed, you can replace onto the top in many ways, actually. I use a rubbing motion.

la0o9 07-22-2011 01:47 PM

what i meant was that i don't like the unnatural-ness of the classic palm, with the palm i use it would seem like i'm simply moving my hand over the top of the deck, even the load is quicker than a normal palm.

Fin 07-23-2011 04:40 AM

Sometimes the classic palm color change fools me BAAAAD, because if you haven't noticed the palming then, BOOM, it just happens and looks like there has been ZERO setup. That is a powerful thing. I guess it all depends on who's doing it and how good their palm looks. Mmmmm gotta love a good palm!! xD

Alexander 07-23-2011 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Fin (Post 2802)
Sometimes the classic palm color change fools me BAAAAD, because if you haven't noticed the palming then, BOOM, it just happens and looks like there has been ZERO setup. That is a powerful thing. I guess it all depends on who's doing it and how good their palm looks. Mmmmm gotta love a good palm!! xD

Yeah, actually you made a good point. Check out the "Stroke change" performance from Benjamin Earl's Past Midnight DVD, that's it.

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