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Mark 08-23-2011 02:16 PM

Back on topic, I actually found something and I just.. felt the need to share this. About a month ago, Jonathan actually commented to a video of someone performing his trick. Now, let me try to explain the situation:

In the original video of the trick, the deck is shuffled and the jokers are going find.. let's say.. the two jacks.. visually. One joker gets put in the middle of the deck, the other one is on top, the deck is turned over and bamn.. the cards have changed.

Now, in this other person's performance, the jacks (deuces) were separately lost in the deck first before the jokers (kings) were put in and onto the deck and the change happened. The person in question did a pretty good and amazingly consistent job. And the comment that followed is just.. blah..


Originally Posted by kammagic
Losing the 2's in the beginning is completely unnecessary.

Really? And you think that you're the nicest guy in the world? That definitely was the most constructive and nicest criticism I have ever seen. Major props to the performer actually making this trick his own and doing whatever suited him. Jonathan, if you read this, just.. wow.. left me speechless.. (till I started writing this, of course).

TommySteal 08-23-2011 02:30 PM

Hey Mark, you should post a link to the video in question.

Mark 08-23-2011 02:45 PM

Since you know who we're talking about, finding it for yourself is a real piece of cake. ;)

Kelan 10-03-2011 12:48 AM

Sorry, about bumping the thread guys, but Jonathan has seem to strike again =0

I commented on his "Middle School Magic" video saying something along the lines of "Great performance but I did feel the card to wallet was a little rushed. But excellent performance". (I really did like it, I just felt the need to comment about how he rushed the effect) This, to me, in no way, shape, or form violates his "rules" of allowing you to comment on his videos. Which are right here:

(1. I listen to everyone (I don't ignore anyone)
2. I judge the advice first by itself. Is it good or bad advice? Using my 25 years experience usually this is quite clear.
3. If I'm on the fence or don't understand the advice I start looking at criteria.
4. Where did they get the info? Why do they think this is good advice? What do they know about the topic? I will ask a battery of questions if I don't understand the advice.
5. If the advice is something they really know about they will have no
problem answering my questions. If it's something they read or heard somewhere. They will have trouble answering my questions.
6. It may only take one answer to a question for me to realize this guy knows what he is talking about or one answer to know he doesn't.
7. I will ask questions until I have enough information to make an intelligent decision regarding the advice.)

I even discussed this with Mark on MSN, Mark first mentioning it to me and me realizing that is was true (at least, in our opinions of course. Your guys' might be different). The only shred of reasoning Jonathan might have is me (and Mark) "Violating" "rule" number 2. Apparently, his 25 years of experience thought this was "bad advice". What do you guys think of this?

EDIT: Also, what is not impromptu about the following trick? Jonathan told me it is not impromptu.

Sorry about the audio being out of sync- it was made with my webcam :P

ItsMagicITellYou 10-03-2011 09:09 PM

this guy sounds absolutley ridic. whats his channel? i wanna see some of his videos.

Albert 10-03-2011 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by ItsMagicITellYou (Post 4524)
this guy sounds absolutley ridic. whats his channel? i wanna see some of his videos.

It's kammagic.

This occurrence is exactly the same as when Andy Field had claimed, when he saw my ACID transpo to Jay, saying this, which Jay told me later:

Originally Posted by Andy Field
Acid: Darwin Ortiz taught me this last year. To avoid any palming a duplicate card must be used. Pocket can't be shown empty and the cards can't be signed. Waste of time trick.

Oh' REALLY!? Darwin Ortiz taught you moves I've used that was most likely never released or published until I used it?

He friggin' called it a waste of time trick just because he has no friggin' creativity developed in all his 'experience' of magic. This phenomenon seems to be very common: You get more experience in magic, you get stupendously cocky just because you have more people acknowledging your talents through time. This is one of the main reasons why I was placed 5th in the contest. I had to perform for Jay one of the secret moves I used in ACID Transpo and then Jay practically took that performance of one move and used it as my contest entry, as you can hear him say about my entry something like "It's not a trick, but more of a move".

I'm getting really irritated by people their stupidity in claiming something as something else when they lack the intellect to figure it out.

la0o9 10-03-2011 10:07 PM

@kelan: he did now did he? i wonder why mister kamm with his 25 years of experience actually THOUGHT that you need a set up or anything other than your one deck to get this effect( srly... no offense but you messed up a bit on the handling, too much fidgeting, and thus gave away the secret a little).

Mark 10-03-2011 10:34 PM

Actually, he said it wasn't impromptu because "impromptu means anywhere anytime". The possible lack of a table makes it "not impromptu", that is, according to Jonathan. I think he forgot that there at least is a floor everywhere we go. Oh wait, not if we go swim. Hmmm.. seems like he doesn't know what impromptu magic is. Really experienced, no? :thinking:

ItsMagicITellYou 10-04-2011 02:10 AM

yeah, a lot of "experienced" magicians i think lose vision of what magic is really about. they focus more on fooling and degrading other magicians and putting themselves forward. As long as i can make my spectators happy, i'm happy. If you give man the earth in one hand and the moon in the other, he would simply ask for the sun as well.

la0o9 10-04-2011 05:31 AM


If you give man the earth in one hand and the moon in the other, he would simply ask for the sun as well.
nice saying

Kelan 10-05-2011 01:12 AM

It could be adjusted to an in the hands version. I'll prolly post a video of this later :P

MysteryHand 10-06-2011 09:04 AM

I wonder who is Jonathan Kamm ? Anyone please give me a detail about his man !!!
P/S: Is Kam? I saw him has lots of great vids

Albert 10-06-2011 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by MysteryHand (Post 4586)
I wonder who is Jonathan Kamm ? Anyone please give me a detail about his man !!!
P/S: Is Kam? I saw him has lots of great vids

If you read my latest post on this thread I do tell who it is. It is Kammagic on YouTube.

I will tell the Admin to add Jonathan's YouTube name and channel to the thread again.

Mark 08-07-2012 01:16 AM

I actually never took time to say Jonathan did not keep his promise of deleting the video trashing this board as soon as this thread wouldn't show up in search engines anymore. He has been asked about this multiple times but did not take any further actions. Go figure. For that, we put his full name back in this thread.

I actually thought of a way to sum up the situation for those who are fairly new and don't feel like reading eight long pages. Essentially, Richard (a certified communication expert) criticized Jonathan for lacking online communication skills. Jonathan then joined to say that because he has been a magician for a very long time, longer than any of us, he knows how to communicate online in a proper manner, basically saying "I'm a clown so I know how to give someone a surgery. You're a doctor? Well, I've been a clown for decades so I know much better how to do it". Obviously, we disagreed.

Anyhow, the thing I really wanted to announce and make this post for is to let you know that we have planned to make a video on Jonathan's magic: whether it's good or not and why it is and isn't. This is of public interest (although due to the magic secrets involved it won't be available for free) because Jonathan sells his takes on tricks and makes quite a lot of magicians and beginners believe his takes on magic are proper ones.

It won't be all negative, don't worry, because as you know we do applaud him as a magic performer as said many times in this thread. It'd be an in-depth review on what he does though.

Des 08-12-2012 06:31 PM

He can take absolutely no criticism. I commented about a little problem with his DL not being consistent. I did it in the nicest way humanly possible, and even complimented his performance, but he still deleted my comment.
@Albert I commented on the results video about that. I couldn't believe 'Rebecca', a combination of two unoriginal sleights, and that confusing mash of sleights and plots 'Kinveresed', ranked higher than you.

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