Magicians: The Gathering

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MeandmagiC 03-07-2011 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mark (Post 1188)
I find it funny that he says that holding the cards differently and the cards moving differently has anything to do with the method. Both Derren and Jonathan should've been able to do the 'Impromptu Haunted Deck' by placing the deck on the back of their hands as well, but that wouldn't have made any difference as for their methods. :thinking:

jup, it would have been different if he changed the principle, but he didn't. same pinciple as derren, only different handling.

LittleLead 03-08-2011 12:57 AM

I'm just saying, he is one of the most stubborn people I have ever talked to.

TheMisdirectingHand 03-08-2011 01:47 AM

He always wants to prove himself right, that is a good trait to an extent, but Jonathan just overdid it by never admitting to be wrong.

LittleLead 03-09-2011 01:18 AM

Gah! *@#()&$(&*^&!@&$*(&!^&*@&*(#$@.

I have been totally cool with this guy (compared to jonnysilver). I typed him a message, at least 900 words including some form of criticism etc. And the guy blocks me! SON OF A @*#&$!&@^$

TheMisdirectingHand 03-09-2011 01:52 AM

He probably knows you're from MTG.

So this is the logic in his head:


MTG= Haters because of this thread

Anyone from MTG=Hater

Haters? He doesn't respond.

Albert 03-09-2011 02:15 AM

In other words, he runs away like a coward? :thinking:
Or hides behind the digital wall? :thinking:

Kieran Oloughlin 03-09-2011 06:01 AM

Dudes! keep going and you will of angered every popular macigian on youtube.

Albert 03-09-2011 07:11 AM

I don't think popularity matters here.

If someone is doing something very wrong, then let it be known.

He's a human and we are all humans. There should be no such discrimination that excepts one person over another when they have done something distasteful.

I don't know Kam at all, but all I'm saying is, you shouldn't do wrong things if you don't have to.

Mark 03-09-2011 07:21 AM

And Jonathan doesn't quite represent every popular magician on YouTube, does he? ;)

But yeah, he still reads this thread. In fact, he emailed me about it so I now am very tempted to post that in here due to the incredible statements he made once again. :p

la0o9 03-09-2011 10:54 AM


Dudes! keep going and you will of angered every popular macigian on youtube.
for your information, I'd say Mark and Albert are two of the more( if not the most) famous online magicians in the community, thanks to their skills and history with mismag's contests( not to mention they know some of the other famous online magicians that you mentioned personally), so they don't have to worry about that.

Kieran Oloughlin 03-10-2011 06:10 AM

I know albert and mark are 2 of the more if not the most famous macigians online. I am just saying that there are a alot of these about macigians that can be seen on youtube.

---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ----------

I am wondering though why has not a post about mismag been put up? He teaches a lot more than andyfield?

la0o9 03-10-2011 08:22 AM

Yea, but Mismag/Jay doesn't affect the community that much( tho he stand at the very top of the tutorials, he doesn't actually do anything that bad, he reveals easy self-working tricks and himself doesn't do bad things, i don't really see a point to him being put on here), but then again, i might be wrong

TheMisdirectingHand 03-10-2011 02:48 PM

Andy Field was not put on the Magic Alert just because of his tutorials. It is because of how he handled his haters, blocking comments, and among other things.

Mark 03-10-2011 06:49 PM

Actually, there would've been a huge thread about Jay if it wasn't that he made up with me during the MISM 2010, after having big trouble with me for over a year. We are fairly good YouTube friends now. ^_^ (Doesn't mean I agree with the magic exposure a single bit.)

Anyhow, this thread is about Jonathan Kamm. I hereby post all the emails I sent to him, both the ones from December right after he was banned from the board and the ones from when this thread became active again. He told me not to publish his mails regardless of it giving him a voice in here. However, I suppose it's not needed as my emails and replies say it all and I suppose posting his would only cause people to bash whatever he said in them.

December 2010 emails: Download PDF
March 2011 emails: Download PDF

MeandmagiC 03-10-2011 07:00 PM

LOL, I just READ your last mail to Jonathan. I am incredibly curious what he is gonna reply :)

Has he ever replied to you with proper arguments and sentences longer than 7 words? xD

Albert 03-10-2011 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mark
If it looks like a professional magician, walks like professional magician and quacks like a professional magician.. it's a professional magician. Unfortunately, everyone would agree with me saying you haven't been quacking like one

Oh this is so good... This made my day :D

I can also tell that he is still saying the EXACT same things Johnny said. A common attribute to those who think they are superior.

I guess Jonathan here doesn't know how leaders are born: They show skills, compassion, intelligence, modesty, trustfulness, and truthfulness.

From my encounters with Mark, I think he pretty much showed all of them.


Originally Posted by kammagic
The biggest wall that an amateur faces is performing in front of people. Most never get the nerve to do it. It's a huge step. Once you get out and do that it will change your view of magic forever.

Reality check. Most of the time, at least for me, performing in front of cameras are way more challenging than performing live. Sure you can retake it as many times as you want. But first of all, it provides you with practice. Secondly, people can replay videos. Due to that, you find ways to minimize your exposure, which work just as effectively in real life most of the time. In other words, misdirection just doesn't work as well.

From the other thread:

Originally Posted by kammagic
I have a group of guys in India who all love me and watch my videos religiously. Their club is just for guys who love me.

and then...


Originally Posted by kammagic
You're used to everyone looking up to you and thinking you're amazing. So when I came along and gave you a little dose of reality and didn't believe your bullsh*t you got defensive. You should of taken the challenge and proven yourself. But instead you made excuses.

Hmmm.... I wonder why I put these quotes up there... I wonder why... Oh that's right. I was trying to prove hypocrites + wannabees do exist :)

MeandmagiC 03-10-2011 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Albert (Post 1208)
Hmmm.... I wonder why I put these quotes up there... I wonder why... Oh that's right. I was trying to prove hypocrites + wannabees do exist :)

hahhhhahahhahaha :D :D Brilliant! xD

Mark 03-10-2011 11:23 PM

The latest email has been added to the March 2011 document: Download PDF. ^_^

TheMisdirectingHand 03-10-2011 11:43 PM

I am curious in seeing the footage of Mark's live performance. Q_Q

Also, Albert is right. He is just getting defensive with language, even though the proof is in his face.

Albert 03-11-2011 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by kammagic
All well documented and proven with photos, websites and videos. I have testimonials of my talents from some of the most well respected cardmen in the world. Ken Krenzel, Peter Duffie, Steve Draun, Alan Ackerman, Jack Carpenter to name a few. All legends in the world of magic.

Well, that's all dandy and nice, but I'm not sure what the point of this statement was.

I personally believe that testimonials from other people don't really prove much about another person. Sure, it's got backup and it's great if you want to know something about a stranger. But people can say nice things about other people just to be respectful, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it was actually true. Of course, there is no strength in this argument unless we hear from the people in question themselves. I'm not saying this is a lie. Just saying it has no real merit in this situation.


Originally Posted by kammagic
I was a successful and accomplished performer long before I got on the Internet. You would be nothing without it.

This is an interesting statement. Unfortunately, this is no longer valid in the 21st century. Why? Well let's observe:

There are now multiple forms of media to announce yourself, one of them being the internet. Through internet, you can announce yourself to the public, word of mouth occurs, more people from around the world takes notice and WAM! You can become a star (like Bieber :D). However, this doesn't mean that one would be nothing without it. Before I created my account, I was practically not known at all on the internet. But I was very well known in my high school. Every single student practically knew "the magician" and through their words, it spread around the whole town and even to other high schools in the district. I'm sure Mark has also had similar experiences with these word of mouth phenomenon and other magicians too.

So in fact, without the internet, Mark may have been nothing internationally. But he may have been something greater in his city, and even in the Netherlands. However through the internet, he made himself someone well known.

Same for Kam. You were mostly well-known around the places you performed at. So if you never had the internet, you would have been "nothing" in the international sense (well, Blackpool really doesn't count much).

It's just a smart usage of a form of media that is now available. Older magicians tend to have the concept stuck in their heads that direct contact is the only was to prove yourself. I think that's old school. It has its merits, but not so much anymore.

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