Magicians: The Gathering

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JoeMarsdenMagic 12-13-2011 11:32 PM

he should be shot..... in the stomach, make the perv suffer!

Albert 12-14-2011 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by ItsMagicITellYou (Post 6364)
Albert, you seem like a very merciful and peaceful guy.

Why, thank you! I am known as the nice Asian dude that can be really evil sometimes ;)

la0o9 12-14-2011 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Albert (Post 6368)
Why, thank you! I am known as the nice Asian dude that can be really evil sometimes ;)


Albert 12-14-2011 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by la0o9 (Post 6370)

Well, I'm not evil all the time ;)

But I would like to be and will be evil at the son of a crappy lobster being a pedophile against young girls! :mad: :devil:

vjose32 12-17-2011 06:12 PM

Well I see his channel is still around so it looks like all we've been doing is nothing getting anything accomplished.

Leroy 12-18-2011 05:29 PM

thank god im a dude. now back to practicing :D

vjose32 01-04-2012 11:07 PM

Seems like i've pissing off thematrix, lol. Here is an email he sent to a girl magician which she forwarded to me.

"Dear *****,
Please remove all traces of vjose32 from your channel, and delete everything you've said to him in public comments. He is my #1 enemy he should be considered your enemy also. Please block him from your channel and all endorsements of him. Thank you.
The same thing goes for magictrixsix, but to a much lesser extent."

So now he is harassing girls because they give me shoutouts and is trying to control them and get them to block me when it should really be the other way around. Good news is he seems to be losing more and more girl magicians who continue to block him and several are posting or will be posting warnings themselves about him.

OliveroG 01-05-2012 02:21 AM

If i was a girl, i would let him send me as many cards as he wanted.

nubmagician 01-07-2012 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by vjose32 (Post 6700)
Seems like i've pissing off thematrix, lol. Here is an email he sent to a girl magician which she forwarded to me.

"Dear *****,
Please remove all traces of vjose32 from your channel, and delete everything you've said to him in public comments. He is my #1 enemy he should be considered your enemy also. Please block him from your channel and all endorsements of him. Thank you.
The same thing goes for magictrixsix, but to a much lesser extent."

So now he is harassing girls because they give me shoutouts and is trying to control them and get them to block me when it should really be the other way around. Good news is he seems to be losing more and more girl magicians who continue to block him and several are posting or will be posting warnings themselves about him.

Wow this guy is certainly trying to brainwash these young girls, I've noticed more and more girl magicians are actually starting to realize what a perv thematrix is and If I'm not mistaken isn't magictrixsix a girl too or am I thinkin of someone else?

Azukinimagician 01-08-2012 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by nubmagician (Post 6731)
Wow this guy is certainly trying to brainwash these young girls, I've noticed more and more girl magicians are actually starting to realize what a perv thematrix is and If I'm not mistaken isn't magictrixsix a girl too or am I thinkin of someone else?

Yeah, magictrixsix is a girl.

Gnarlycardz 01-09-2012 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by OliveroG (Post 6701)
If i was a girl, i would let him send me as many cards as he wanted.

and why? Thats a bit strange

Albert 01-09-2012 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Gnarlycardz (Post 6741)
and why? Thats a bit strange

Seduce him, drain his financials until the last drop, and then kick him off to the side of the road when he has nothing more to offer. That's how you manipulate desperate men XD

Travmang 01-09-2012 09:28 PM

Alby seems to have extensive knowledge pertaining to this situation. Hmmmmmm, interesting! :ugh:

Albert 01-10-2012 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Travmang (Post 6743)
Alby seems to have extensive knowledge pertaining to this situation. Hmmmmmm, interesting! :ugh:

I wonder why... :thinking:

OliveroG 01-11-2012 04:23 AM

We're magicians, we're supposed to have alot of girls, we should know about this kind of topic.

ItsMagicITellYou 01-14-2012 02:31 AM

key word "supposed"....ahaha jk ;p

vjose32 01-15-2012 05:08 AM

Another comment I found on this video that is a bit disturbing.

Btw, I have discovered that magic4u495 (I think that is her username) is like totally under his control. She claims it is much worse than just his comments and that she is a pervert like him. I've tried to tell her she is only making things worse and not helping at all but she won't listen to reason. I also attempted to contact everyone on thematrix' Youtube but am not sure how many actually got the messages. I know a couple got the message and blocked him. As of right now anyone who doesn't block him is getting unsubbed from me. Also sissyroo100 has unsubbed from him but won't block him because he is giving her Vortex decks! Hopefully she blocks him after that.

Albert 01-18-2012 09:48 PM

Like I said, since this pervert doesn't stop, at least suck him dry of his financials. :grin:

If I had a girlfriend, I would ask her to make a fake 'sexy-legs' video and make him send tons of decks to me :devil:

I'm joking. It's best to not get involved at all, really... :thinking:

caseysmagicaltricks 01-28-2012 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Gnarlycardz (Post 6347)
And Yet Another, This guy doesnt quit

This is one of the worst ive seen, because You can actually see how young the girl is and he downright says

"Very easy to do. You have extremely beautiful legs. You should show them off in every video you post from now on."

This seriously isnt right, and needs to stop

Hi this is my video i deleted the comment, sorry if people wanted to see it, but anyway i am so angry at that old guy

Toothbrushs 02-06-2012 05:37 PM

Well, I'm glad I found this website. When I had videos posted on youtube, he started messaging me. So, you know. I blocked him. o.o

thetophatfirm 02-11-2012 03:38 AM

good job honey, i honestly do not know why this thread is still alive since he still has a channel and whatnot.

If you guys really want to f@#$ with this dude you must generate an illusion of there being another new girl magician of teenagehood out there for new bait.

"She" [in reality a dude magician who contacts this guy with a crew of two girls, one magician and one not] does not know about the gathering, has just frequently started magic, and has a friend with her in the videos because they both are cute little naive kiddies who saw some youtube videos of chris angel and are "sported" by magicians.

If push comes down to shove, some of us could get together and get this guy to email a certain channel on youtube to the point where we can have him say specific things [from what I see not hard] that can allow us to directly report him for harrasment and danger to a community of underage females.

For all I know I believe this guy is an already registered sexual offender and has resorted to hiding within his electronic life and in truth comes to no physical danger to any of these girls when push comes to reality, but that does not leave the understanding of innocence and emotional trauma that young girls and even women go through constantly when it comes to older male figures who sexually aggressive and oppressing.

to my point, is that if we are patient, generate a plan, and create a situation and setting where he can leak out his private information we can report to authorities that there is a sexual harraser within their area and that we have proof of his "danger" since he makes sexual advances online and we as a crew do not know how "far" he will go.

this is the tricky part. to get him to send in a message his want and desire and planned action to sexually commit to a young under age girl WITHOUT her approval or permission. If we make this "she" to be like "yeh f@#k me everywhere" or even a subtle "maybe" this will give us no leverage.

Ill be honest in saying this isnt the first time I have had to personally deal with perverts and rapists. no need to get into my history or closure either.

this is all I have to say about this matter. I personally do not approve of this thread since all this is doing is creating popularity and hate crime towards an indivual that the majority of us have no justified interactions with since the majority of us are males and the female magicians on here do block him and only have to deal with the moment of seeing that he emailed them again.

last statement: If you guys are down to take him out, lets talk about this or else any other attempts will be futile. If you guys will not do anything, and with fairness I can say from these posts there really isnt much that we can do, should just leave this topic for the female magicians who join as part of their introduction, which is mainly done by Mark, Albert and the administration.

Sorry for my rant you guys, this is just an edgy subject.....

vjose32 04-21-2012 02:08 AM

Today we can all claim a small victory as that creep George Waldman has been banned from Youtube! The day has finally come and Youtube is a better place. Hopefully we never see that ugly screencap again!

TheMisdirectingHand 04-22-2012 04:50 AM

Goooooood riddance!

Travmang 04-22-2012 07:53 AM

If need me I'll dress up as a woman and use myself as bait in a sting operation. What do you guys think?!

magic177 05-02-2012 05:48 AM

He's gone! If you all could have seen the messages he sent me before I blocked him...disgusting.

Fin 05-03-2012 01:27 AM

Dammit! I was kinda hoping to see Trav in a dress. Again! :eek:

Travmang 05-03-2012 05:15 AM

He took the bait!

vjose32 06-16-2012 05:56 PM

Unfortunately he is back, new channel is GFDMWR72370. Don't worry I am working on reporting him right away.

And he is at it again, check out this comment:

In my fantasies, I do too, especially when their legs are as sexy as the girl in this video.

Found in this video -

That girl is like 10!

vjose32 10-07-2012 10:30 PM

Well his last channel got shut down but he is back yet again!!! This time with another channel fmr72370 - the numbers always give it away. So far he hasn't posted any videos and has only a few subs and is I guess keeping a low profile but he did issue me a challenge of some kind where if I figure out his puzzle within a puzzle he will leave forever and if I don't, I must leave forever. I won't even subject myself to his foolishness nor do I intend to leave. I've worked to hard to get to where i'm at and has done nothing except get himself removed twice from Youtube.

vjose32 12-10-2012 01:14 AM

This is a message that George sent to a girl magician on Youtube not too long ago, that he only supposedly sends to girls when they turn 18 or if they really want to know now. It's fairly disturbing.

OK. As long as you never reveal what you will read in this message to ANYONE.
July 23, 1970. I, George Waldman, am born.
September 1976. I am sitting in my first grade class when I look over to one of my classmates named Jennifer Haimowitz. She is wearing figure-hugging jeans that show off her legs, particularly her thighs, very nicely. It's at this point that I begin my lifelong love of girl's thighs.
Spring 1977. The Magic of David Copperfield is on ABC. This is my first exposure to professionally performed magic on TV.
1977 or 1978. I'm watching a magic special on TV that has a variety of magicians on it. One of them is a female magician. I had never even thought of the possibility that a female could perform magic because up to that point, I had seen only men perform magic. She had a pair of shoes alone on a platform that danced on their own. Two assistants raised and lowered a cloth, and there she was, dancing in the shoes. She is quite famous, so I'm sure you've heard of her, Dorothy Dietrich.
June 1987. Now the adult part starts. I will not censor or hold anything back. You have been warned. I am watching a late night movie on Showtime called "Stripper". It was directed by Jerome Gary and released in 1985. It was a documentary about the 1st Annual Golden G-string Awards, which were held in 1983. I was watching it because of all the sexy women who would be showing off their sexy legs that I could masturbate to. Little did I know that this movie would change my life forever. About halfway through the movie, they had a montage scene with the various girls showing off their talents. One of the strippers blew a huge fireball. While most magicians I know only consider the fire performing arts, aka the allied arts, like fire eating, fire breathing, and stroking the body with fire to be only sideshow stunts, to me, they are magicians also. Needless to say, I was intrigued and because of the nakedness of the women, sexually aroused as well. A short while later, during the talent portion, they introduced one contestant as Venus DeLight. The announcer stated that she liked magic. For her talent portion, Venus performed a fire show that was the sexiest thing I had ever seen in my life up to that point. One of the first things she did was to stroke her absolutely perfect thighs with fire. When I saw that, I couldn't help myself and I masturbated so hard and fast that I ejaculated my sperm a few seconds later. Ever since then, I have equated female magicians with sexual stimulation. I have dreamed of wanting to marry a professional female magician, or a female who wants to be one, ever since for that reason.
January 15, 2006. I find out about the existence of YouTube and make an account. Shortly thereafter, I begin searching for magic videos that had females performing the art. I soon see that my collection grows and grows. I am still shocked to this day how many female magicians there are out there posting videos of them performing magic. I don't know the exact total because it's constantly changing, but the last time I checked, I had over 11,000 videos of females performing magic.
June 28, 2006. I am at the point where my appetite for female magician videos becomes an obsession with me, so after I watch that night's episode of Criss Angel's Mindfreak, I make a decision to stop watching male magicians almost entirely. The male magicians I'll still watch, but only very rarely, and then only when I'm watching a tutorial video include the team of magicians at Ellusionist, along with David Copperfield, Ricky Jay, Jay Sankey, and Michael Ammar.
So, there you have it. YOU chose to know. I did NOT force this decision on you.

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