Magicians: The Gathering

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Kieran Oloughlin 06-09-2011 11:53 AM

Mark how do you find the time...
I play guitar, do magic and do judo aswell as school (although school is DEFINATLY not a hobby) I sometimes dont get time to do stuff like play guitar or practice magic.

la0o9 06-09-2011 12:52 PM

Mark is twenty something years old, he's not going to school or college( at least, he shouldn't be, since uni classes are at most 6 years...) so the time taken up by those things are cleared up, plenty of time to do things like practice magic or play music( more so since those things are apparently part of his job).

Mark 06-09-2011 02:45 PM

LMAO, I wish!! I just got 22 and I'm currently at university, 2nd year. In between high school and university I did two studies at once, taking 1.5 years (make that two because I couldn't join the 1st year of university till half a year later).

la0o9 06-09-2011 04:43 PM

hmmm... wondering how many people from your uni knows of your existence( to me, the more people that know of me, the more meaning i have to live, but i prefer not to be known personally, so i would very much like to know something as trivial as this).

Well, if that's the case, i think you are truly admirable to be able to do so much.

One more thing, what does DSZ the company do for profit? youtube partner, as stated by Albert, doesn't gain that much money from partnership, the magic products of DSZ aren't sold for commercialization so they're quite cheap at low in number, the music products couldn't have that many buyers( could it? i mean, music is good and all, but it's not exactly the interest of any people), and maintaining this site costs some money as well does it not? So, what does DSZ do for profit?

Mark 06-09-2011 11:02 PM

Whenever we need money, we just go out performing. It's great to live in the only place in the country in which you don't need a special license for street performances. ^_^

Albert 06-10-2011 05:56 AM

Mark the crazy combination of many different forms of art. Truly amazing :D

And... YES! Pokemon is the BOMB!!! Although I hate the fact that they are even taking garbages literally to make a pokemon -_____________-;

Kieran Oloughlin 06-10-2011 11:17 AM

Yes pokemon is da bomb!!!

I do think that there ideas are kind of becoming wierd mutated mosnters and the garabge pokemon is very weird.

Any mark your only 22!!! Haha I thought you where double that age...

TheMisdirectingHand 06-10-2011 02:48 PM

The creator of Pokemon died this year. 'Tis a shame. I'm seeing many... many... screwed up Pokemon...

la0o9 06-11-2011 01:11 AM

@kieran: lol, he isn't THAT old... the oldest i could see him at is about 30...

Kieran Oloughlin 06-11-2011 03:51 AM

I am REALLY bad at guessing ages... I though he was in his foutrys and I have no idea why. (Sorry mark)

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 PM ----------

I know the first 493 pokemon of by heart and their types and attacks and most of their eveloution levels (I have been playing pokemon for 8 years) but these new pokemon look weird and have weird names.

Fin 06-11-2011 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Kieran Oloughlin (Post 2353)
but these new pokemon look weird and have weird names.

The same happens with music.. It's probably just a sign that you are getting old! lol ;)

ItsMagicITellYou 09-02-2011 08:26 PM

i read, i write, i play guitar, i attempt writing songs, i used to paint but it failed, used to play videogames, but im starting my junior year so my life's meaning will be defined by SAT books :D

TheMagicianUnknown 09-02-2011 09:53 PM

I play the Piano and the drums (Not very much drumset. But I play the snares and quads in the drumline) I enjoy gaming like most. I play CoD MW2 with my friends and LOTRO every now and then (To keep in touch with my sister in Australia) I also enjoy doing random research on medical topics (I want to become a doctor) I also like to play random pick up games with my friends (Soccer, football, ultimate frisbee, baseball{i used to play baseball for a long time}) Soo yeah hahaha.

---------- Post added at 03:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 PM ----------

Oh and I played the piano since i was about 8. though i played for four years, quit for 3, then have been playing for the last two years again :) And I have played the drums since I about.... 10? so 7 years? And when it comes to gaming, i'll play pretty much anything. From Zelda and Pokemon (All the time!) To Madden NFL and CoD.

Kelan 09-03-2011 03:11 PM

Just realized I never posted on this thread:P

Apart, from card magic, I love baseball and basketball. I also love chatting with friends and stuff like that. I also like playing COD and Halo from time to time. I also love karate. I've been doing it for 8 years and I'm testing for my black belt test near the end of September. I've placed in the AAU (A tournament where people from all over the country come and show off their mad skillzzzz). Thousands of people come to that and that makes me perty proud. =)

Kieran Oloughlin 09-04-2011 04:25 AM

Hooray! Another martial arts dude. I do Judo (which I said before) and have been doing it for 3 and a half years (I wish I started younger but I didnt). I am in thr Nationals which is a comp where people come from every where over Australia (you have to be invited though from doing well in a state titles comp) and fight each other (this is how judo comps are done, instead of showing of our moves, all though there is a comp to do that, you fight each other and try to rip each others head off :) ) I am getting tested for my blue belt before the end of the year probably after the nationals then after that I have brown and then Black to go.

KGaborMagic 09-04-2011 10:49 AM

Well, I play football and I'm addicted to any kind of films.:cool:

oliver 09-04-2011 11:06 AM

Kung Fu
I like doing card magic and Kung Fu.

Kieran Oloughlin 09-04-2011 11:32 AM

And another XD
Do you do Kung Fu or wing chung?

oliver 09-04-2011 12:42 PM

In fact it's Ching Wu Men.xD

Travmang 09-04-2011 01:53 PM

Other hobbies? Hmmmm. Probably finding new and unique ways to make fun of Albert. I pump 32-40 hours a week into this hobby. It's pretty much my job. Too bad I don't get paid for it... yet. ;)

More seriously, World of Warcraft and Halo: Reach atm!

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