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Noodles 04-28-2011 12:49 AM

My parents sent me to church when I was younger so that I would be a "good kid". They don't believe in any god or anything. I'm between agnostic and atheist. Science tells me the big bang happened, but no one really knows what created the universe. So until Jesus descends from heaven... George Carlin is my god.

Ichigo 04-28-2011 06:44 PM

Have only read the first post:

In short: I believe in God, and Jesus as His only son, who came to this earth to live with no sin, then to die for all of our sins and leave our sins in death, so we may live. Then he rose again to live.

I am also a conspiracy theorist. I believe in a massive global conspiracy... I get laughed at a lot for this, but no one has proven anything that would disprove the evidence I have for this. I could explain all of that in depth, but right now I'm only giving a brief explanation of what I believe.

Kevo 04-28-2011 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Ichigo (Post 1777)
Have only read the first post:

In short: I believe in God, and Jesus as His only son, who came to this earth to live with no sin, then to die for all of our sins and leave our sins in death, so we may live. Then he rose again to live.

I am also a conspiracy theorist. I believe in a massive global conspiracy... I get laughed at a lot for this, but no one has proven anything that would disprove the evidence I have for this. I could explain all of that in depth, but right now I'm only giving a brief explanation of what I believe.

Illuminati right?

Kieran Oloughlin 04-30-2011 04:56 AM

I belive that no point to life but to live and I belive there is no God, thats it summed up.

---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

I mean no disrepsect to people who do belive in god by the way

Fin 06-06-2011 09:48 PM

Explain more please Ichigo..

I'd love to hear about your conspiracy theories since I myself, believe it or not, have had not one but 3 very "close encounters" with ufo's. Now I'm not saying I believe in aliens, but the craft I saw were so bizarre, yet so close I could nearly touch them. So UFO's are real, despite whatever the government may tell us. They may not be alien but they are very real, bizarre things, and the government does NOT want to discuss them. That much I can tell you from personal experience. And there were several other people in my town who saw these things on the same night as me, hovering over their house in one case! So it was essentially a mass-sighting, making it harder to just brush me off as a drunk or an overly imaginative person. The government does cover things up. It does keep secrets. We all know that. The question is how far do you think they would go.

Since my experience I have become ALOT more open minded. I was skeptical about religion before, and I still am a bit (it has caused alot of wars!), however I do think there is something much bigger than us going on and I wouldn't be at all surprised if one day science discovered something that roughly resembles "god".

Des 07-08-2012 05:47 PM

I believe that there is no higher power, but just power, and that this power is almost... recycled through the universe. You through the form of energy, or life, and things like that. Kind of like the principle of karma, but different. It sounds kind of crazy, but that's how I see it.
It's funny, because I was raised to be rigidly Catholic, but now I believe religion itself doesn't make sense.

The_Logical_Magician 07-08-2012 07:53 PM

I have a more intricate and new view on religion.

First of all let me say that I am profoundly christian and strongly believe in the Lord. I was born in a christian family but apart from being baptised, I never participated in church ceremonies. I did however celebrate Christmas, Easter and so on.

But my passion for my religion only appeared about a year and a half ago when I discovered christian metalcore. I started listening to christian music from bands like For Today, August Burns Red, Oh Sleeper and that got me going on a sort of new type of christianity.

See, as profoundly as I believe in God, I hate religion. And that's a pretty recurrent principle in christian metal. It's that christianity isn't about following religion, about reading the Bible (so there's my view of the Bible), about going to church and donating and so on, it's about having a RELATIONSHIP with our Lord.

So, I obviously know the "story" as you could call it talked about in the New Testament, and about quite a few elements from the Old Testament, but my view of God is of a Governor of the world, promising justice, redemption, redeeming the good-natured and leading evil to grief. I also highly esteem the "shepherd and sheep scene", that is the Lord breaking through to the callous, and finally of a continuous battle between The Lord (and his followers) and Satan (and his followers).

This last phrase might make you think that I associate all to either God or Satan but that's not the case, and don't worry about Satan's followers, I'm not necessarily talking about people but of sins (of lust and hate and jealosy that poison society).

So yeah, there's my view of christianity (not religion;)).
Could've elaborated way more but this is a magic site after all.

Mark 07-08-2012 11:38 PM

Great post and elaboration!

It actually made me think of the following:

Pig 07-09-2012 05:31 AM

I was raised to believe, but not anymore. I refuse this system and the likes.
Magic is an art not to be exposed. It's like a play which we don't give out spoilers.
Hmmm I want to say something metaphorically but I can't convey it.
Some other type of entertainment use the form of illusion/lies such as actors and actress alike.
I guess he is just using this almighty one as an excuse, I got nothing against God any which one of them for their religion teaches nothing but good, but another thing for the people and their practice.

I hope you guys get what I mean...

and here's a song:

TommySteal 07-09-2012 03:07 PM

He angry!

TommySteal 07-10-2012 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by KGaborMagic (Post 7625)

No man, the dude in the video lol

KGaborMagic 07-10-2012 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by TommySteal (Post 7627)
No man, the dude in the video lol

Ah, he definiately angry!:p

ouncesmusic 07-10-2012 07:51 PM

The problem, what I believe, of so many people loosing faith of some sort could be explained by this quote, "When someone is thirsty, give them half a cup of water. If they remain thirsty, quench their thirst with the remaining half."

Now of course, this will tie in very well.

Unfortunately, many people nowadays march the streets claiming to be enlightened because of something they read or saw that gave a glimpse into some unknown knowledge.

Life is complicated already as it is, and with misleading information or misinterpreted information, finding faith in yourself can be much difficult.

When one is working hard to be good, evil is working just as hard against them.

What I've learned on my own as well as what I have been taught, is to be kind to all, even your "enemies", and nothing of this world created by man is worthy of worship. I'm just trying to live my life by this and lead others if they seek the same by proper example.

I do believe the teachings and parables of Jesus to be an unquestionable source of truth as I reflect on my life with these lessons. And as I search for answers to life, a strong sense of humility comes over me and joy and urge to seek forgiveness when I receive these answers (I don't always find these answer right away). I've done nothing wrong in a sense of crime and law of this world, but if the examples of Jesus' life and what he overcame and shared with others portrays the definition of what we are capable of, than that's something I cannot argue against and want to be a part of.

....I guess... it's love. Compassion. You just get that feeling and "no one" can tell you other wise.

Compassion for all I meet is how I try to live and that's the small amount I fill the cup with to share with others.

thetophatfirm 07-11-2012 06:53 AM

One thing I like to tell my friends is that enlightenment is an illusion. The text itself is a symbol that forces one to generate differences and comparisons, which are human, so they are lacking. Enlightenment does not exist because we are human.

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