View Full Version : Hey everyone!

08-04-2013, 05:09 AM
Hi guys,

Im from Singapore. Brand new to this forum.. Decided to join this forum since 'green cafe' is full of censorship. Tell me if this forum is any different?

Also, side note, I am considering to release a dvd on doing street magic using assistant. I have performed magic together with a close magician friend of mine and have created powerful(IMHO;)) magic routines using 'helpers'. I do not know how the magic community will react to this. So, please leave your opinion.=) any constructive feedback is much appreciated.

08-04-2013, 11:17 AM
Hey there! Welcome on board!
Yes, this forum is quite different than the café. But we don't reveal magic or magicians. All people here really care for the art of magic.
Enjoy your stay. ;)

08-04-2013, 12:36 PM
Welcome! It's very nice to have you here. ^_^ And no needs to worry, we do not and will not censor, especially not like the Café. :D

As for the DVD, it is a neat idea but it may be a bit too hard to market due to its nature. If you make a demo video, people will know what you did. If you describe the effects or kind of effects people will get, they will also know what you are doing and what they will be getting. On top of that, there don't seem to be that many magicians (= customers) who are interested in such works because most think it is a tad too dirty. Having said that, however, I fully agree with you that stooges open a whole other world of extremely powerful magic.

08-04-2013, 12:59 PM
Welcome to the forum!
Yeah, everyone here is nice and helpful.;)
I hope you enjoy your stay.

08-04-2013, 07:01 PM
oliver (http://www.magiciansthegathering.com/community/member.php?u=239), KGaborMagic (http://www.magiciansthegathering.com/community/member.php?u=434): Thanks for the greetings!

Mark: Thanks for your feedback, really appreciate it. Looking forward to more feedback